There are 3 or 4 on the left who pretty much launch grenades every time I start a thread. There is no meaningful response whatsoever to the argument usually. Just you're mean. You're a hypocrite. Whaaaa.....but Trump, etc. It is mostly personal attacks from these kinds of posters. The thread is almost immediately derailed from the beginning every single time. It is very difficult to find someone on the left who is willing engage me in rational non-fallacious argumentation.
In my opinion, there's a couple who are always civil and never make any ugly insinuations who find legitimate flaws in conservative arguments. Really no argument from either side of the aisle is COMPLETELY bulletproof. There's a cost to pretty much everything. A majority who sometimes make good points, but when cornered will go back to the old bucket of tricks of insulting the poster. I would say that's most people on the left around here. And the game is awfully easy when you can end it whenever you want and strut away acting like you've won. And another half a dozen to a dozen or so, where all they do is insult you and/or dismiss you.
I agree there are a few who are willing to engage on a thoughtful level, but the thread is usually so derailed by the former group that those posters get drowned out by the former group of posters. I usually try to compliment these posters for the level on which they are engaging even if I disagree with their arguments for some reason.
In my opinion and posting experience, and personal experience, I find the vast majority of Cons are embarrassingly and woefully short on verifiable facts and/or sources which makes debunking/refuting much more common than any engaging discussion. Most of the random trolls seem to be a one and done sound bite from the wacko right wing fringe de jour as well.
I think your shtick falls on deaf ears because of your flaming hypocrisy. I can’t speak for all the liberals on this board but I personally just can’t take you seriously.
That said I do love this board. It’s remarkably civil on here compared to almost anywhere else I’ve seen on the internet where politics is discussed.
I dont know. A lot of your threads ask for a lot of leeway. For instance your last one on the Canadian LGBT law the 3rd of 4th poster called you out saying your thread topic was not what the law said and you responded something like you have to read between the evil lines or something... sure it went down from there. Your thread before that was a drive by on Malaysian dollar which you didnt return to. Before that you had the other one about the dollar which you could have started out with a meaningful discussion on the dollar's competition in the world but instead you started it with a "Joe Biden" is the worst president ever the dollar is done type post. So... based on that do you really think that some of the heat you get might be self inflicted?
The last thread...I thought my sources were a little better than they were. It was an honest mistake. I retracted the material after it became obvious to me. However, my observations go back way further than 3 threads. I have posted this many times, but it goes to the heart of the issue. Many on this board are described in this video.
Similar here I know what mine was when I was tested for gifted back in the day. Parents used it to try to motivate me in HS when I was screwing around and not meeting my potential. Didn’t work for them. Teenagers….
Many of your posts are based upon the premise “the Bible says” blah blah blah. Quite often that isn’t even correct, but nonetheless someone who argues that their particular interpretation of their religion is what should dictate all matters is pointless to argue with.
Captain's log, stardate 2023.5. I feel it is my duty to acknowledge and appreciate the valued commentary of my fellow officers and crew on our social forum. I can only hope that those who provide such valuable contributions are aware of their impact on the community, and I commend them for their efforts. However, I must also address the issue of bad actors who use fallacies in their arguments. As someone who educated in the art of debate and logical reasoning at Starfleet Academy, I find it frustrating when such fallacies are employed in our discussions. Although there are standard questions to point out these fallacies, the bad actors in our community often do not respond to such direct inquiries. It is conduct unbecoming of a member of Starfleet. Therefore, I find I must also assume, in addition to my current responsibilities, the role logical reasoning officer, pointing out these fallacies in a manner that promotes awareness and improves the quality of our discourse. This is a regrettable yet necessary effort. I hope that this approach will help our community grow stronger and more effective in achieving our shared goals. Captain out.
People who disagree with you are mentally unstable? That's a great way to conduct intelligent conversation, isn't it?
It appears a very human quality to view one’s own beliefs as nearest the truth. Why possess these beliefs otherwise? But the unfortunate fact is that everyone has beliefs, and these beliefs differ. One my favorite meditations on this problem is Ben Franklin’s “endorsement” of the constitution drafted in 1787: Mr. President I confess that there are several parts of this constitution which I do not at present approve, but I am not sure I shall never approve them: For having lived long, I have experienced many instances of being obliged by better information or fuller consideration, to change opinions even on important subjects, which I once thought right, but found to be otherwise. It is therefore that the older I grow, the more apt I am to doubt my own judgment, and to pay more respect to the judgment of others. Most men indeed as well as most sects in Religion, think themselves in possession of all truth, and that whereever others differ from them it is so far error. Steele, a Protestant in a Dedication tells the Pope, that the only difference between our Churches in their opinions of the certainty of their doctrines is, the Church of Rome is infallible and the Church of England is never in the wrong. But though many private persons think almost as highly of their own infallibility as of that of their sect, few express it so naturally as a certain french lady, who in a dispute with her sister, said "I don't know how it happens, Sister but I meet with no body but myself, that's always in the right"--Il n'y a que moi qui a toujours raison." In the end, those that fail to consider the possibility that those flawed posters on the other side might be right must believe their intellect greater than that of Benjamin Franklin.
Motivating high schoolers is the second hardest thing next to watching recent UF/UGA football games. Whatever is third isnt even close.