Looks like red states can't stop working children. Isn't this like a dozen or so stories this year about children abusively laboring in red states? (Alabama Hyundai, Nebraska meat packing, sanitation company in SD, Arkansas/Iowa roll back child labor laws). According to NYT these cases are up 70% (second link). Two 10 year olds working til 2am, in Kentucky, of course. (first link) 10-year-old children were found working at a Louisville McDonald's until 2 a.m. | CNN Business New York CNN — Two 10-year-old children were found working at a Louisville McDonald’s restaurant — sometimes until 2 a.m. — the US Department of Labor said Tuesday. The revelation was part of an investigation into the child labor law violations in the Southeast. The agency also found three franchisees that own more than 60 McDonald’s locations in Kentucky, Indiana, Maryland and Ohio, “employed 305 children to work more than the legally permitted hours and perform tasks prohibited by law for young workers,” the Labor Department said in a statement. “Investigators from the department’s Wage and Hour Division found two 10-year-old workers at a Louisville McDonald’s restaurant among many violations of federal labor laws committed by three Kentucky McDonald’s franchise operators,” the release said. “Investigators also determined two 10-year-old children were employed – but not paid – and sometimes worked as late as 2 a.m.” U.S. to crack down on child labor amid massive uptick
am sure no underage puerto ricana's are working in new york or underaged mexican's in california,right?
Yes, there are undocumented child labor too. And yes, it's a growing phenomenon. Part of the reason is labor shortages. Another problem is the government agency used to police child labor practices has been underfunded for years. But having both underage citizen and underage immigrants doing jobs, and low unemployment should tell us we need more adult laborers in this country. Which means more immigration.
Probably not only in red states but there sure has been a lot of stories and the link said the massive crackdown was across the southeast. What's up with calling out Mexicans and Puerto Ricans?
Labor is a commodity. It's a supply and demand thing. If there's demand, and the only supply are kids, and there are parents/guardians willing to exploit their kids for money, then what choice do the kids have? I'm sure it happens in both red and blue states. But the problem is likely more prevalent in red states. No proof, just a guess. Again, having children anywhere doing work when there's low unemployment should be a giant signal that we need more labor in this country. And that immigration limits should be increased.
just an example of underage workers from foreign countries in those 2 states, obviuosly it goes on with all immigrant groups.
What do you think about all the recent cases that are being reported on, the 70% increase, and the crackdown in the southeast vs the one that you are making up?
i am making up sweatshops in nyc? i am making up crop picking in california? these have been going on for decades, get you head out of the liberal sand.
you get what i mean, puerto rican children underage working in sweat shops in blue state new york, as bad as the references in the OP
And your evidence that this has happened in the last 10 years? Why exactly do you think that people are setting up low cost manufacturing facilities utilizing illegal labor to save money in the city with some of the most expensive real estate and that is amongst the most heavily policed due to density in the entire world? Seems like quite a dumb move. And I do know that you didn't mean "immigrants" when you said "immigrants."
I am pretty sure you dont have a case in mind to discuss. I am also pretty sure that brown people in liberal states is your answer to the problem on child labor problems that are up 70% in the US and have been the target of a southeast crackdown with a lot of headline stories recently. I think we need to ratchet up immigration and start letting in a significantly higher number of workers into the US. But I think maybe you are on to something regarding brown people in liberal states.
so typical of you to use the phrase " brown people " when talking about immigrants, seems you are the one degrading them, i have never used that phrase when talking about illegals/immigrants
This explains why red states fight so hard to keep kids alive when they’re in the womb, they want to get free labor out of them as soon as they learn how to walk.