Putin needs to be careful. He could make people start to think, "I could do a better job with an attack on Putin than whoever did that!" Or, "this costly war with Ukraine would be over a lot faster and we could rebuild our economy if someone would finish that job!" I think Putin is over-estimating his popularity with his own people. They know he is responsible for the war and their own suffering.
You sound like you need to take a laxative. Why don't you take care of business, then take up a high-fiber diet, and get back to us in another month or two. We'll wait. And next time, keep those kinds of problems to yourself. TMI.
I'm not sure any false flag attempt on the Kremlin would drive much of a public response. IMO, if Putin's looking to galvanize his country and foster support for his war, an "attack" would need to be a target with which average Russians have a more passionate connection, either some type of cultural heritage site or a massive civilian casualty event.
The Finns have found a creative way to smuggle news and information into Russia. They created a very popular game called "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive" that plays video and provides information about the War in Ukraine if you play it long enough. The video game targets Russian young males. A Counter-Strike Map Is Informing Russians About The Ukraine Invasion Amidst Censorship (yahoo.com) Pretty clever.
A little more personal history: I'm not a "young" person. 64 and was the last child born of my parents. Anyway - So my dad ran a combo general store, bar, and in the back - card games at his place, located just outside Eglin. We are talking late 30's early 40's here. Well, Eglin and the surrounding community back in those days - Not much to it. Guess where all the fly boys, and everyone else would go to? My dad met Jimmy Doolitle, and all his boys. He met the pilots that dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (One of which, committed suicide after). He met Gregory Peck, as a matter of fact Peck stayed with my parents when he shot a movie at Eglin. Think it was 30 seconds over Toykyo or 12 O'Clock High, I forget now. I always accused my mom of "slippin" in that guest bedroom...... she denied it of course........lol OK back to the war............... Oh sorry Vlad - "The police action"
According to Russia, they've destroyed 27 of the 18 HIMARS systems that the U.S. has supplied to Ukraine. A new Ukrainian superhero, Captain HIMARS, is not having it. And he's willing to mock Russia to prove it. He says he only targets troop barracks when no one sends him coordinates for armored vehicles and ammo depots. Then he provides an e-mail address so the Russian troops can send coordinates of their ammo depots and armored vehicles. Then he goes on to state that it is useless to target his HIMARS system, because it is stored in an old Soviet bunker that can withstand a nuclear attack. Ukraine Situation Report: HIMARS Shown Being Stashed In 'Soviet Bunker' (yahoo.com)
That couldn’t have been a serious assassination attempt. A drone blowing up near the top of a dome in the middle of the night where Putin doesn’t sleep and with not even enough explosive power to take down the flag pole or apparently even damage the flag is pretty telling.
Grew up across the bay from Tyndall. Still remember the constant roar and sonic booms from the F-4s throughout the Vietnam War and after, then the F-15s. My dad took us over there for the airshow every year. He was a Marine Corp fighter pilot in Korea and was always on top of what was going on at Tyndall. He got to go up in an F-15 once.
Yes, to both. Relatively recently I went to the Joint Air Operations Command & Control Course at Hurlburt, just prior to deploying to the Middle East as a Combat Aviation Brigade Oprerations Officer in 2021, and while there I had to take a day trip to Eglin for my second COVID shot. Also, I went to Naval Flight School near the same area from 2000-2001. The Fort Walton Beach and Pensacola areas are outstanding places to live and visit.
Most likely it was a false flag either intended to provide a pretext for a serious retaliatory attack on Ukraine, possibly an assassination attempt of Zelensky or a strategy to increase support among the Russian population for Vlad's "special military operation". In addition to facts in your post, it seems kind of odd that the Russians were able to provide high resolution photos and video of an attack that occurred in the middle of the night (if I recall according to one account the "attack" took place at 3:00 am). Additionally, the type of drone used in the attack had nowhere near the range necessary to fly from Ukraine to Moscow. If it wasn't a false flag launched by the Russian government itself the most logical explanation would be an attack launched by Russian dissidents. The premise that Ukraine was responsible is absurd on its face.
Is this the intelligence of our enemy? An old man thinks he can publicly tear down the flag of a country his country is at war with, and nothing bad will happen? What a metaphor for this whole war.
Did site engineering for an aircraft maintenance facility at Hurlburt several years ago. Couldn’t call it a hangar because the color of the money wouldn’t allow use for a hangar. Was on-site trying to determine where the storm pipes ran to and stopped in front of a bonafide hangar to ask an airman if he knew where the trench drain at the hangar doors ran to. He couldn’t hear me and waved me into the hangar but there was a problem…the red line at the door. Even as a civilian I knew not to cross the red line. Apparently those Special Ops security folks have liberal authority to use force if red lines are crossed without explicit permission. Didn’t want to lose my job… or get shot. There are some really cool pieces of equipment on that base.
Kewl. My dad was stationed at Tyndall twice ‘61-‘64 and ‘69-‘73 and retired here when he was in line to get sent away from Florida to somewhere in BumFrick Nebraska or Iowa. TAFB was my stomping ground from ‘69 til I went to UF. Perfect place to grow up. Paradise geography combined with military diversity (diversity was much simpler back then) and a lot fewer people, cars, and boats to deal with compared to today. Total destruction of the base by Hurricane Michael put a stop to the air shows. The $3.2B to rebuild the base has risen to $5.2B. Gonna be well worth it. Edit: Those twin engine Phantoms and older Voodoos used to piss me off when flying over our house when I was trying to watch Tarzan cartoons as a kid on one of the three TV channels Saturday mornings. Now days the F-22s are even noisier and the F-35s take the noise up another notch, but I no longer dislike the sounds of freedom.
Posturing probably, but still fun to watch. Wagner is threatening to pull out of Bakhmut on May 10. Wagner Boss Makes Major Battlefield Exit After Grisly Video
oragator1 - Followed by: Wagner to leave Bakhmut on May 10 over lack of ammunition, Prigozhin says Things are getting "cheeky". Oh and Ukranian and Russian officials get in a fight at a Turkish conference. Where are you Duggars Dad? Better suit up and go to the front. Looks like your guys need you. Of course this could all be "False Flag B.S." - certainly something Russia is expert at.