fwiw - My gut tells me that the pollsters may have manipulated the options to achieve certain results. On the more relevant note, if you disagree with or question the results, what do you feel should be the top five GOP voter priorities?
Economy Border Culture, by this I mean we need to respect anyone's right to live how they want, but we don't have to promote it or accept it as righteous. Energy Independence USA Made, simply create opportunity for manufacturing of everything in our own country.
Yes, but I think we have a lot of policy already that states no one can discriminate against based on race, creed, religion, etc.. I feel when we start carving out special additions to this, we end up discriminating against some other group. I don't want to shove my beliefs down your throat and make you agree with what I believe, but I will stand up for my right to believe what I believe, and I will do the same for your beliefs, even though they may be wrong!!! lol
Apparently you didn't bother reading a number of posts in this thread. YouGov, the actually pollster happens to be a very well respected polling organization. Your post also confirms what I've said in some other posts, Trump's best friends are the MSM outlets perceived by his supporters in MAGA nation as the enemy. Virtually every time they run articles apparently unfavorable to Trump his ratings in the Republican primary polls go up.
How many billions of dollars more to a law enforcement organization or infrastructure would make you happy?
Exactly he hasn't done much. Still separating children. Solutions to all liberal problems!!! Throw more money at it!!
Biden's "not doing much" is largely in line with Trump border policy minus continuing building a wall (that's already crumbling where it was built), which was absolutely a ton of money proposed to be thrown at the problem. So if you're unhappy with Biden largely doing the same things at the border that Trump did, sans expensive physical wall, what do you want to see actually done regarding immigration, beyond platitudes that don't actually speak to what should be done. By that, I mean that if you want the border more secure, how do you want to see it secured? If you want immigration to be "legal" immigration, how would you like to see that handled different from the current process?
I kind of hate how Biden stammers, ridicules the cons just because and makes racist comments without consequence. Other than that, he’s alright.
The segments of wall that Trump did build cost $27 million per mile and obviously didn’t solve the problem …but he wants more of that. And he thinks democrats just “throw money at the problem”… . Lol.