Actually, it's a lot like TH, but one sided with conservatives. I also like reading other views and comments but unfortunately when any conservative tries to give their views, its quickly attacked or dismissed with insulting comments. It's boring when there's no debate. Most of our local libbies are just plain wacko, you can't reason with them. There is a few that I enjoy their views. As for the attorneys that give their views from the left, @duchen in my opinion tries to be fair most of the time without his leftist spin but the others are just too far out there.
She was pretty vulgar at times, but I had some pretty good exchanges with her. After Trump She went off the deep end and I guess never recovered
I don' think quality replies are attacked and dismissed like the frequent low quality ones. I've seen so many go like this: [Member1] Here are some facts that are generally agreed upon. facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts facts. Here are some reasons that support my viewpoint. reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons reasons. These articles support my viewpoint: Reputable link Reputable link [Member2] Here the libbies go again. That's not true. Nice try. Better luck next time, bud. Can't fix stupid. Try again, sport. LOL. LAMO. [Member1] Got anything to back up why I'm wrong? [Member2] Here you go, sport. Nice try. Read it and weap. Try harder. Lol. Can't fix stupid. HilaryInvintedAids.FreedomEagle.Facebook
BCG is far from one of the unhinged ones. I get more "agree/like" ratings from him than I do from you.
The other site is nothing like this one. For starters the openly racist crap that gets spewed their is downright gross. Its what happens when you build you site on an "unmoderated" model and then when it goes sideways you have to create a paywall to hide the grossness and try and squeeze toothpaste back into the tube.
I went there a few times after someone told me where it was. The last time there was a thread titled "The only good thing John Lewis ever did was die." I didn't go back.
True. There's a reason Verti will talk to me on Twitter. She can rise above the disagreement. I have tried to get her to come back, but she always says... Maybe someday.
I want to remind people that my posts are bulletproof. Dont believe me? Just read the words that exist under my profile pic. You see that? Don't even debate it. It's on the internet so its true. #facts
We may differ on the religion threads, and I admit I can be harsh at times, but religion aside, I think your posts are level headed with thought put into them.
I always respected Verti, even if we didn't see eye to eye on many subjects, she was very easy to communicate with even when we disagreed. She is not the kind of person that resorts to personal insults... in this place that's practically unheard of. At least she never insulted me personally. Lol... someone disagrees with my personal opinion on Verti, and how WE INTERACTED..