I don’t worry about that happening at my house much but you can only be so many places at once so a little community help would be nice. Plus… keeping kids from drinking, smoking, porn, drugs, sex or whatever Vice isn’t as easy as it sounds - I mean, I’m sure you were a sneaky kid, they all are. I’m not sure thats separable. You need an ID to buy Cigs or liquor to keep out of the hands of kids. The law isn’t “just click here if you’re old enough to drink”
When's the last time you were ID'd for liquor? I think the main problem here is that showing your ID to a clerk isn't an inconvenience, and it hardly ever happens if you look old enough too. Having to set up an account, send a picture of your ID to who knows to "verify" it is much more of a nuisance. Places a bigger burden on the website too (though I believe they already have to verify people that upload videos). But if they have to verify more people who just want to get off, seems more likely that child porn and other stuff will slip through the cracks as their resources are spread more thin. Anyways, most of these type of laws seem designed to make compliance a burden, in order to make the business less likely to be sustainable. I'm sure PH blocking access is something they considered a "win" or acceptable outcome.
I have to scan my license at the grocery to self checkout on beer and wine. No other option. Maybe I could flag down a kid to override if they are able to.
Right that takes 2 seconds. I had to verify myself to the IRS to set up an account, that took like 30 minutes to file a document that could have been mailed with no security. Probably less likely you are going to get scammed by self-checkout too.
Will be interesting to see how much push back there will be from the affected citizenry and will it be enough for a bill countermanding this one and whether it will be passed by voice vote or roll call. I'm betting it won't be a roll call vote.
I trust Harris Teeter with a scan of my license. I wouldn’t trust porn hub though. I get it. But I also get the law’s intent.. or at least as I understand it.
On a side note: Mormons are some of the kindest people I’ve known. I’m not a Mormon, but there is nothing wrong with America that ten million more Mormons wouldn’t help.
I've had some real jerks from LDS knock on my door. Why should my expressing interest in what they have to say make them start ignoring me and talking to each other as they leave?
Not unnecessary at all. Indeed most necessary, as these states and their voting populace are leading this country to ruin. First of all IQ’s are empirically lower, crime rates are demonstrably higher, poverty is definitely more prevalent, GDP (per capita) are much lower than blue states. Then there’s the abhorrent policies 1) Abortion and the war on women (see no fault divorce) residents can sue people for getting an abortion talk of restricting interstate travel for that purpose.. 2) Assault on democracy (Texas legislature move s to overturn election results, followed by many others 3) voting rights transgressions (DeSantis vs felons vs pot vs local prosecutors but many other examples 4) assault on wokeness (which they can’t define) and general anti LBTQ nonsense 5) two bit red state judges interfering in all sorts of things they have no business with (FDA and Trump judge shopping) Assault on porn (intolerable!) even though they’re the biggest perverts and purveyors of porn in america 6) assault on black people 7) assault on big business including some of the most consequential employers in their respective 8) Assault on higher education And it goes on and on and on. I mean someone could write a 100,000 word essay on the pure unadulterated evil these people represent. fortunately I’m too disinterested to do so. I’ll just get out when the getting is good.
I’ve invited them into my home or engaged them in conversation numerous times and never had an experience remotely like that. Now, Jehovah’s Witnesses …