Atlanta active shooter: Multiple people injured in Midtown, police say Please take shelter if you are in the vicinity of 1110 W Peachtree St. (Northside Hospital Midtown medical building)
[SARCASM ALERT] But the most important question is, what's the shooter's immigration status!?![/SARCASM ALERT] As of about 20 minutes ago, 1 dead, 3 hurt, and subject still at large. Hope they catch the guy soon.
My wife stopped a carjack in broad daylight by being armed. Showed the dude her gun and he hauled butt. She would have shot him if needed.
We’ve heard this story several times, but nobody stopped this guy. Oftentimes is doesn’t end until the police end it after many are killed and injured.
A park, a birthday party, a dance club. All these shootings that get rosy images of the places. Like central park in the daytime vs oh dark thirty
Guy was apparently with his mother, who was not shot, sounds like he shot up a medical center and it wasn’t completely random. Maybe a billing dispute? Guess the real life version didn’t go like John Q.
I love how your story ends but every time you tell it I can’t help but think that it’s a terrible idea to introduce a gun in that situation. If he was armed he could have easily shot and killed your wife - over a car. Or maybe he pulls a gun and she kills him. That’s well within her rights but killing another human is a lot for someone to process. I’d rather just let them take the car and call the police. That’s why we have insurance.
Quotes from the mom are pretty telling. He was seeking Ativan and they apparently wouldn’t give him any and instead were giving him something else that he reacted to poorly.
The way I see it these mass shooter situations will do nothing but continue to trend upward. More and more guns are available to a frustrated citizenry, all of whom have their personal "beefs". I'm afraid we are in a cycle that just continues to escalate. The only problem is, those that want to "defend" themselves or play hero against the bad guys (and gals) by getting a permit and carrying, often are the ones that wind up going "postal" for their own reasons, becoming the "bad guys and gals". Clearly half or more of the country is in love with steel and cordite. Drugs, Cars and Weapons are doing a good job controlling the 13 - 45 year old demographic in our country.
I had to look it up. Ativan is a benzodiazepine used to treat anxiety disorders or anxiety associated with depression. Google is my friend.
Sounds like this was an armed robbery gone bad Vs textbook mass shooter. It’s a distinction with a difference. Both should be prosecuted to the max
had heard he walked in demanding meds. Certainly may have been bad info. Or maybe I read it incorrectly. Once denied meds, he started shooting. What actually happened may be completely different that initial report i read
Rumor is that he was late for a mental health visit and they wouldn’t see him. And that his mother may work in the building. Was playing tennis in east Cobb around 4 today and could easily hear all the sirens from The Battery about 5 miles away.