The thread has gone a bit sideways perhaps, but I want to endorse this post 1) as being awesome and 2) as also representing my feelings about the community. I know the composition of the board has changed over time, but having the diversity of viewpoints and expertises here is what makes it most valuable.
Dad4x’s IQ was 147, or was it 157? We should all feel fortunate to have been in the presence of such genius.
So true. Last week my 10 year old son asked me what my IQ was. I told him I didn’t know, but im pretty sure that it’s above 100. He responded, “Really?!? I thought it was like 60 or 70 or something.” Thanks son.
I don’t know my IQ but my brother does. We got tested for a program as kids and whatever score we got his was 2 points higher..I think he’s stretched it to 20 now… so it’s emblazoned in his memory. I forgot the results immediately walking out due to my IQ point deficit making retention hard.
We took IQ tests in fifth grade and my teacher actually posted the results. I remember one kid saying 'wow, i'm the lowest in the class.' My mom was a teacher in the same school. She was livid. I never heard if she caught grief for it or not. But back to the subject of the thread. I agree that we have a quite a few very good posters, particularly those who can explain legal issues that I wouldn't otherwise understand. We've got a few who just want to throw potshots, but not many. And, yes, the board obviously skews left just like it used to skew right. I think it was probably even more one-sided back then. I wish we had more conservative posters. But I'm guessing that people don't like being in the minority and feel ganged-up on.
Ah. Yeah. I mean we certainly have some and I wish they make attempts at real conversation instead of what they do, but that's always going to be the nature of conversation like this , I think. I take you think there's more than a few?
Indeed. More than a few. I could list them but it would probably just egg them on further. I just wish people would literally post as if they were sitting in front of the people they are conversing with. Something about them sitting behind a keyboard and being complete jerks must make them feel better. IMO how you do one thing, is how you do everything. Rant over.
I agree with that. I used to say here that I wished people would only post what they would say in front of their kids, their parents, co-workers, in church, etc. Before they banned name-calling, we had a guy here who he knew I'd spent years coaching my kids' baseball and soccer teams. I thought about him standing up in church and saying "See, there's this guy on the message board who's really liberal. So I always call him 'soccer mom' and there's nothing he can do about it. Is that cool or what?"
Needs to be a “common sense” test. I’ve known a few braniacs that had what seemed to be zero common sense. But damn, they had those degrees.
If the left posters aren’t kept in check like the pubs are…it creates unfair advantage to the left. It’s a Potshot generator. In soccer the refs are tasked to this so retaliations don’t occur. Some days are better in here than others. Just a suggestion.
What I see here, the problem for conservatives to post is exactly what you said about ganging up on anyone that doesn't follow several poster's exact thought process. I love the differing viewpoints and like the discussion around them, problem is that a lot of the "regulars" from the left are very condescending and if you have a differing view point you are either evil or stupid. This gets very old quickly and it makes this place an echo chamber. I wish we could have more actual debate, but that is not case.
It’s an obvious question from the pubs and you seem to have a blind spot for it. Why do you consistently miss the chance to call libbies on the potshots?
Richard P. Feynman — 'Never confuse education with intelligence, you can have a PhD and still be an idiot.'
First, you're mistaken. I do. Second, who the hell cares? If you're talking about who's being edited, deleted or banned, that's one thing. But you're really whining about who I agree with or disagree with? Good grief. If we've got conservatives who don't want to post here because "Gosh, River doesn't say enough bad stuff about liberals, and it really hurts my feelings." The thread is about reasonable, intelligent conversation. Get any sense of irony here? And, yes, I guess I'm being mean to you. Sorry.