This is fantastic! The majority dumb mofos in red states won’t be able to figure out VPN and their miserable condition will become more miserable. The intelligent DemoncRATS will figure it out while plotting their escape to non shithole states. GDP, crime rates, poverty will soar as all that remain are the poorly educated. Pornhub blocks access in Utah over age verification law | CNN Business See stupid law here SB0287 “As you may know, your elected officials in Utah are requiring us to verify your age before allowing you access to our website,” the message said. “While safety and compliance are at the forefront of our mission, giving your ID card every time you want to visit an adult platform is not the most effective solution for protecting our users, and in fact, will put children and your privacy at risk.”
Wasn’t Utah the number one state for porn per capita? Seriously, I think I read that. This will be a real hardship.
Seems well intentioned but also quite invasive. Not sure the answer but i do know that there are now only 17 billion sites left for people to visit in the same genre.
Damn, I feel bad for kids these days, not only do you need a fake ID to score booze, but now you need one to spank the monkey too They need to remake Super Bad, but with McLovin and the gang using their fake ID to get on Porn Hub
On a technical/legal note, why would that be the host site's responsibility unless they have servers that are hosted within the state? Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
Those unnecessary potshots don't add anything other than pointless insults to what could be an otherwise interesting thread. And just creates responses like this.
Hey Soho.... What state do you live in? What a terrible OP. You should stick to grammar policing with multiple posts full of your own bad grammar. At least that was funny to the reader. (Albeit unintentional on your part).
In an unrelated story statistics show that married men live longer than single men, but it's also shown that they're more willing to die.
so you want online porn banned in the state of florida unless the viewer provides proof of id each time they log in? do you consider people that view porn to be sick folks?