good luck on the Slam! A Slam is a bucket list item and I've taken Osceolas so far. I'll step it up after reitement in a couple of years for the rest. Provide pics on your upcoming success. Where's your place? must be a primne 25 acres, leased or owned? Pic, please.
I dreamt recently that I caught snook about 36" long and while waiting on a measuring tape, my wife pulled a knife and wanted to start cleaning it (she never cleans fish in waking hours). She got pissed when I told her it was too big to keep.
I'm putting my website together this weekend, well, at least I'm starting to put it up. I'm using Shopify but I really have no earthly idea what I'm doing!! Jigs that catch fish at affordable prices
It was a gift for sure. They wanted to move, we sold the house and joined them. They gifted us 5 acres to build on. In return I care for the land, all 25 acres (they are approaching 70 and just want to be retired).
Heading to the middle grounds this weekend for the full moon snapper bite. Leaving Friday coming back Sunday … Should be a strong bite.
My place is 10,000 acres. I hunt on my place in Georgia too. Gotta go to Texas at a buddies ranch. Then New Mexico for Merriams. Due to mitigating circumstances (daughters health) the Texas hunt didn’t happen. Got the other three tho
Doesn’t open till June 1 for charters in the northern gulf. We heading out for Scamp in the morning, sword at night and Snowy’s and Yellow Edge Thursday morning.
No, I run a 295 Everglades. We usually fish around the 60 mile mark. The mango bite should be strong with the full moon so I’m gonna hit a few ledges with big relief on the south side of the grounds.
Gotcha, we may get some vermillion if the swords don’t work out, my girlfriends favorite anyway. I have to bring back a few. Mangos are mangroves right?
Thanks, the range isn’t great.. been really looking at the 34b Seavee. Bigger range and fishability no comparison.