Saw Uganda now has a dont say …… law. GOP ideas are spreading. The wokeness seems to just be a nutty conclusion to all the political correctness bs from 80-90’s. The anti wokeness is the nutty response to the previous nuttiness. The Planters syndrome
You can say all you want about the Democrats, and I’d mostly agree, but this list of Republican voter priorities says it all.
This is the party that can't even put up a platform at their conventions ... they basically have one top issue, gun control, that is a legitimate government concern.
was in Uganda 4 years ago & they sat us down & told us not to discuss homosexulaity or their laws against it or we could be in trouble. my boy disinfecting goats - he's the white one.
That's not a serious poll. People want a secure border, lower costs of living and world peace. It's really that simple.
I disagree, somewhat. Now, take this with a grain of salt since these terms mean different things to different people. "Political correctness" was geared toward not offending a group or person that could/would ideally foster an atmosphere of inclusivity. "Woke" describes to a set of values around social justice and awareness of systemic inequalities with the hope of fighting discrimination.
It's not that it's deceptive, it's just not necessarily the same as "What is most important to you in a Presidential candidate?" It's more, "among these 10 questions that were posed, here's what had the highest support." The questions posed did omit quite a few traditional conservative principles. More interesting to me are the reasons people who picked Trump in the poll would vote for him: 94% fights for people like me? Hahahahaha 84% would beat Biden? How'd that go last election?
It would be interesting if they were asked to “rank” the issues if the order would be shuffled. But, it’s just a different sort of survey and I don’t see the issue either way. The numbers as they are presented are what that are.
Not a polls or stats guy but Something around 1,000 respondents is pretty standard for a poll. After that you cease seeing any real change in the responses. The slope of the line of new response flattens at about that point.
That is a bit of a false dilemma, isn't it? After all, people can care about both sets of issues at the same time.
All this tells me is that Dems are really missing the long and short game on how to get the changes they want accomplished. Want gun reform? Just come out against gun reform Want tax increases? Just call tax cuts "woke." Someone put me in charge please. I'll knock this shit out in a week
The pushback on this stupid. You can look at the thread topics here started by MAGAts and they line up with the results accurately.