I just wanted to state how much I appreciate the information that so many people post here with links and comments. Even though I don’t always agree with y’all’s (my southern language) opinions I’ve learned a lot from this place. It’s one of my first reads with my coffee every morning. Now,,,, all you crazy liberals and knucklehead righties get back to arguing with each other. It makes my day. Thanks Me
I really enjoy this board. I always enjoy listening to people who know what they are talking about, especially when I'm ignorant to the topic. Listening to finer points about the law, small business ownership, healthcare, etc is fascinating to me. I just wish there were better conservative posters. Most of the right wing posters offer little substance. It's mostly snark with little to back it up. One liner insults and then vanish, or completely off-topic responses. I'd like to see more balanced debate, but it's usually center and left folks running circles around the conservative types. While I do learn some things in the one-sidedness, it would be refreshing to see the same quality posts from the right. While I may disagree (I'd consider myself a little left of center), actual fact-based insight on why the right feels they do would be interesting.
It was much closer to even around here before Trump. He was indefensible to anyone with a moral compass so the righties on here who had one left in droves. What remained was largely trolls, conspiracy nuts and MAGA cult members. Certainly a few exceptions but that was more or less what happened.
This board has a lot of conservative posters, so I'm not sure what you mean. Its just that this board skews college educated, and the Republican party is skewing less so now. There are maybe a handful of posters here who'd I'd describe as left-wing in their politics as opposed to various degrees of liberal to conservative. And to be fair, there are maybe around the same small number of right-wing posters, and maybe a few more who are just anti-liberal but have no real ideology beyond that they are capable of expressing. There are any number of people who just more or less do regular partisanship based on how they've voted all their lives. My opinion is you are never going to get good right-wing posters because what you see is what you get with right-wing politics, it attracts a certain type of person, always has, always will.
“You’re never going to get good right-wing posters.” Damn, that’s one of the worst posts in a long line of awful posts from the superior liberals. And there you have it. Never mind 715, Tilly, partdopy, gatorpa and a few others who have wonderful conservative takes. Open your eyes folks.
Yes. I admit that libbies feel superior and typically brag on their intellect. It’s quite entertaining. Libbies and my 9 year old like to brag on themselves.
For the archival record, only one poster here has ever brought up their supposed IQ on these boards, and it wasn't a liberal.
Nope. You missed it. You’re speaking of dad I believe. But a few days ago libbies are winning bigly. JJ and another libbie guy, can’t remember his long handle, both told the world they have three digit IQs unlike the conservatives. It was embarrassing.
Nothing says bigly smart like someone bragging about a triple digit IQ. That's why I'm happy mine is four digits.
Also starting the famous "I'm actually more of a libertarian thread" that definitely didnt come back to haunt him
They gave me a special test, said it was made just for me. It was just a coloring book and a few crayons, kinda weird, but I passed.