This tragic event, in which a tech leader was stabbed to death at 2am on San Francisco streets, was held up as an example of SF's descent under liberal soft on crime policies, even though Boudin was recalled last year. The stabbing was presumed as random, a robbery or homeless assault. Facts proved to be a bit different Mission Local is informed that the San Francisco Police Department early this morning made an arrest in the April 4 killing of tech executive Bob Lee, following an operation undertaken outside the city’s borders. The alleged killer also works in tech and is a man Lee purportedly knew. Rather, Lee and Momeni were portrayed by police as being familiar with one another. In the wee hours of April 4, they were purportedly driving together through downtown San Francisco in a car registered to the suspect. Some manner of confrontation allegedly commenced while both men were in the vehicle, and potentially continued after Lee exited the car. Police allege that Momeni stabbed Lee multiple times with a knife that was recovered not far from the spot on the 300 block of Main Street to which officers initially responded.
Side note: these people are dumber than rocks. The weapon is always recovered nearby. How you don't hurl that thing off of the Golden Gate or Bay Bridge is beyond me. I am pretty darn sure if I was ever stupid enough to commit murder, I would at least make sure no weapon was ever found. Thank goodness most killers arent very bright.
Matt Yglesias has anecdata about San Francisco literally being overrun by crime due to reduced police funding, despite a so-called tough on crime prosecutor, but Radley Balko has the actual data
Crimes of passion aren’t well thought out. I suspect most intelligent people could craft an almost fool proof way to murder someone. Most sane intelligent people don’t however because they are sane and intelligent.
That's a good point. What is interesting to me is that it seems it should be much, much harder to get away with murders these days. Yet I saw a headline over the weekend that unsolved murders/rates are higher than ever? Have not looked at data recently but seems counterintuitive with cameras, DNA, phone tracking, etc.
I think the problem with that is policing. Our police force seems more trained to perceive threats than solve crimes.
That might be true. I know when a murder gets national attention and the feds get involved, I'm usually thinking the suspect's days are numbered. I'm sure part of that is the amount of resources they have.
Looks like a massive theft ring has been discovered in San Francisco. I doubt it will inspire outrage