Make guns and ammo cost prohibitive to own and extremely penal if caught with an unregistered one. Use one in a crime, go away for a long time. National buy back program. Limited mag capacity. I’m for anything better than what we have now. And I own over 50, some of which I’ve thought of getting rid of but they may end up in the hands of someone with bad intentions.
If the number of mass shootings substantially decrease as a result of this, wouldn’t that be considered a change?
Not holding my breath for any of this to change as I come to terms with the idea that this is part of the reality of modern American life. In fact, look for it to get worse. I can only hope that those I know and care about are not among the carnage as this madness continues.
So spend a whole lot of time hyping up an issue that may not reap any tangible benefits to society for 80 years? Got it. If that’s what you meant, that is not the instant panacea we often hear from gun control advocates.
There would be incremental and increasing benefits over time which is a whole hell of a lot better than things continuing to get worse while we do nothing. We'd be in better shape today had we taken meaningful action after Sandy Hook like we should have.
Only way to put a dent in this is ban all guns and confiscate those that are out there. That won’t happen. Ever. Take away AR15s and you will still see mass murders with 9mm or shotguns. One of the reason some solutions don’t get reactions is that both sides use hyperbole Hell yes we ar coming for your guns. Ar15 bullets blow the lungs out of the body Etc.. On the other side it’s we need more good guys with guns. Guns don’t kill people do. The truth is in the middle but no politician wants to touch that ground with a ten foot pole. Vast majority of LEGAL gun owners are law abiding contributing to society citizens. The rare few that aren’t are ALMOST always on some anti depressant/ psychological drug. Red flag laws WORK. Florida has proven that. Use them Stiffer penalties for any crime committed with a gun. No dropping of gun charges in plea deals. None. Any minor committing a crime with a gun- go after the parents. Tiered licensing for different types of guns CCW Hunting Sporting (semi auto) Collectible (full auto/ military/ historical) I can get behind limiting mags to 15 rounds.( I HATE) reloading mags..) Do I think any of this will stop violent criminals and violent people from acting violently. No. I truly believe we have a sickness in our society. I don’t know why or have the answer. But there is very little shared ground anymore. You differ from me you are the enemy and must be stopped. Cultural appropriation/ politics/ religions/ sex/ druhgs and rock n roll… all of it divides us instead of uniting us. And that is what I think is leading to the violence. A lack of understanding of our fellow man. A lack of empathy. Too much polarity. Too much black and white and not enough grey.
Even the taking away of AR-15’s is untenable. Just not going to work. It would actually cause more violence. Prohibition was a very ugly time in America.
I agree. It’s just aggravating. Neither side really wants a solution. They want to win points for their team. It’s why neither side will budge. If you want to blame guns then you have to blame all guns. Van them. Take them. Stop them. And that will never happen. Just never. So it’s a stance with no end. On the other side no move that comes within a mile of limiting anything to do with firearms is even considered. Both sides stand behind their perfectly safe fence and yell at the other side. All the time knowing nothing will ever be done because neither side really wants a solution. Too easy to score points.
Sure it is. Because democrats didn’t have congress and the White House. Democrats haven’t had every opportunity to do something and just.. let it pass by. Democrats will publically and forcefully say He’ll yeah I’m coming for your AR15… knowing that’s never going to happen. Democrats will focus on the minutia and never lift a finger to do anything meaningful all while whining they cant pass legislation because of the NRA and republicans. And yet when they had the opportunity, when they could have done “something” what was done? Nothing.
Ban assault weapons. Ban the public carry of firearms with limited exceptions. Put some type of sensors on firearms so only the owners can shoot them. Require firearms to be safely stored when not in use. Require gun use training. Add some of the other measures that are constantly being proposed. Back up these measures with stiff penalties for violations, including mandatory prison sentences for the first 2.
Neither side wants to touch it because it’s the 2nd amendment, embedded into our constitution. There would be a massive civil war if gun confiscation was ever initiated in the United States. That’s likely a key motivator for both sides to avoid the subject.
Because they had a 50/50 split in the senate and Joe Manchin who wouldn't vote for any truly impactful legislation: If you had 100 democrats in tbe senate you'd see change. If you had 100 republicans you'd probably have guns issued at birth. It's one side.
Gee, it must suck for you, living in a multi-party state and all. I hear Russia is taking applications if you’re into one party systems.
It will definitely get worse as idiot right-wingers like DeSantis push to loosen gun regulations. Maybe enough Americans will wake up and vote for people who support common sense regulations, but I doubt it.
I’m not sure who is claiming anything would be an “instant panacea.” Zero chance for any sort of quick result. There are just far too many guns already in circulation. It would take decades to get us anywhere close to the rest of the civilized world.
Are you thinking about the people or the elected officials? I think there is popular support for additional regulations. One issue may be that I think there are single issue voters on one side and not the other.