Maybe just maybe bigotry is bad. And the people who justify bigoted behavior now are really no different than people who justified it in the past. They ran an episode in 1982 on a show called The Love Boat about a transgender person. The fact that you're less tolerant today than the main character was on a mainstream TV show in 1982 says it all about you: Nothing quite like right-wing "Christians" to remind us folks that it was right-wing "Christians" who were leading the charge against all major civil rights movements. If there's a constant in our society, it's that group---your group---being on the wrong side of history. What's past is prologue.
It's definitely not. But the reality in our country right now is that the bulk of attacks on free speech are coming from right-wing governments, not left-wing governments.
Yet one was elected to the presidency. Trump: 'I have a higher IQ than George Will' Trump Has the Highest IQ. He Says So Himself. President Trump has called himself smart six times before
Well, you might be right here. I wouldn't be surprised if segregationists pulled this tactic too. "Pointing out that Black people are not fit to share a restroom or locker room with white people is no different than observing the sky is blue. We must protect our women and girls." (The sky technically isn't blue, BTW.)
I think forcing this woman to use the men's restroom: And forcing this man to use the women's restroom: is a bad thing.
I would suspect largely, yes. How often do you go around looking at other people's genitals in the bathroom? How often do you think you have been in a public restroom with a transgendered person? I would say that people's comfort in the bathroom is more a function of "looks" (i.e., gender presentation) than common genitalia, as people don't often look at each other's genitals in the bathroom.
Yes, it is a more complicated issue than most are willing to admit. Probably different standards for locker rooms and bathrooms.
So you still think the bathrooms should be... segregated? That's exactly what the segregationists would've said.
I honestly don't think it's complicated at all. The only challenging part of any of this is enforcing the rules because yes, surgery has gotten so good that people look an awful lot like the opposite sex. So what are you going to have a guard at the bathrooms checking IDs? I think that's overkill. But if someone complains about it, I certainly don't think men have the right to use the women's room and vice versa. And we shouldn't be in this society where women feel guilted into shutting up about showering next to a dude with a penis calling himself a girl.
To be fair, while the phrase has racial connotations, it's such a common part of our lexicon that I believe most people aren't aware of that history. Basing it on gender identity is quite simple. Although, I could understand restricting locker rooms where people are literally undressing and changing clothes based on something more restrictive (although, not on sex at birth). But bathrooms? Nah. Yeah, the civil rights protesters were cool with gender-based bathrooms, so I am too. Now, back to your bigotry.
I think the biological female that looks completely like a male is going to cause a much bigger stir by going into a women’s bathroom. That certainly makes it complicated. However, I can’t agree with a biological male, with no gender reassignment surgery, going into a women’s locker room.