So give up? That’s fine. But that’s also hypocritical to offer nothing at all but mock the other side. You have no answers either apparently. Well nothing besides “guns”.
No one is opine on anything. It’s like a child throwing a tantrum. There is no rational debate or discussion on this thread. None. Just a constant whine of guns. Do you have anything of value to offer up? Any ideas or suggestions?
Cool after we ban guns let's ban alcohol. If he wasn't drinking this probably wouldn't have happened.
Yeah I've given up. Said it on here plenty of times. If kids getting continuously mowed down in schools doesn't affect change that's a wrap on it. This is America now, see yall in the next mass shooting thread. Later today? Tomorrow? TBD
"children throwing tantrums?" "constant whining?" Really? I respect your frustration with the lack of constructive discussion on this thread but denigrating gross generalizations ain't helping. On this thread I see gallows humor, mocking, frustration and someone bitching about the gallows humor, mocking and frustration. If you want to have an open gun control discussion on either a problem or specific candidate solution, open a thread framed with your specifically desired topic.
To clarify I was not calling any poster on here a child throwing a temper tantrum . I unsuccessfully was trying to point out that the mocking and condescending comments have the same effects as a child throwing a temper tantrum. Which is to say it is not helpful at all. Just furthering the divide.
not a new thread, but another bunch of kids dead or fighting for their lives. Six high school students are shot and wounded at Mississippi house party | Daily Mail Online
These threads aren’t to offer solutions anymore. They are to point out the senselessness of doing nothing. BTW “Let’s ban alcohol, knives, cars” is the mocking you’re looking for from child murdering righties with their policies that murder the most innocent (real kids in school not a zygote)
So what would you like to discuss. We have an undocumented person with no known mental health issues, maybe drunk, killing five neighbors with an assault rifle due to a noise complaint. What is the larger problem highlighted by this incident would you like to solve? The undocumented part? Citizens also go on killing sprees, too. The mental illness part? People of known and unknown mental fitnesses commit similar crimes. The drunk part? Both sober and drunk people resort to violence. The assault rifle? Handguns are used in mass murders but with less mortality. The gun ownership? Mass murders occur with other weapons but a much, much lower rate. In my opinion, this incident reminds me of the high rate of suicide in the USA as opposed countries with less access to firearms. There is a shorter calm down period between thought and mortal consequences.
Yes, the mental gymnastics are hilarious. Guy shoots gun in the air. Neighbors tell him to stop. He shoots the neighbors. But something tells Gators51 it’s not the guns!
I don't believe it's sound advice to confront one's neighbors directly anymore. Since I have no desire to interact with other people or start playing those tiresome scorekeeping, what-have-you-done-for-me-lately games that people seem to require you to play, I'd just as soon let the police handle it from the get-go if it becomes necessary to react.
Want to ban assault rifles? Here's what will happen. Assault rifle sales will skyrocket through the roof to beat the deadline on the ban. More assault rifles than ever before will be in circulation at time ban goes into effect. Nothing will change until people change.
Have to start somewhere. This isn't something that will be solved overnight. It may take generations at this point. Fixing people just isn't a viable solution since this cuts across all demographics.
Right. So, do nothing. One thing and one thing only will make this country implement rational gun control measures and its too painful to contemplate: have every family in America lose a child to gun violence. Compassion, empathy, and rational thought are all absent as people twist into knots to defend a right that clearly was meant for another time. Tribalism at its purest.