Thank you for the information but again, is this thread about drag queens or transgender people? My issue is the conflation of these two issues. They are not the same thing. I assume that you also oppose any dress up story tellers like clowns, etc? I personally would probably not take a child to a drag show story hour but I don’t think that it’s the end of humanity as we know it. I do think it’s funny that something that’s such a minuscule part of our society can get conservatives’ panties in such a twist.
It’s a sign of the times that teachers have become desensitized and irrational over issues like drag interaction with children. Liberals are so in this season.
The conflation of drag queens, transgenders and pedophiles is the the latest in a long line of Weapons of Mass Distraction from the GOP. Anything to stop you from noticing that the only thing they truly care about is fattening the bank accounts of their billionaire donors.
Wow, CNN really has your number. How do you fall for this line of crap? Sad it seems you really do believe it.
Unlike other people in this thread, I have a 3-digit IQ and open eyes and ears. It's plainly obvious.
Anyone who would boast about their IQ to strangers is a weirdo. Actually, anyone who would brag about oneself at all is a weirdo. I said what everyone else is thinking.
Purely from a safety standpoint for both officers and the public we need to know how to treat or detain people. How someone dresses or acts and what is reality are far different. If someone identifies as a dog (yes there are those) we don’t put them in a kennel.
I think the human element (e.g. psychology / sociology) is an obvious difference. I don't think your examples work, either, except perhaps audible/inaudible.
Kids raised by tik tok and youtube where percentages are distorted by the metrics. Sports vs performing arts seems like if you want to protect kids from groomers and pedo’s, no Church, scouts, swimming, gymnastics and large mid west Universities. Oh, and Republican congressman
It is quite scary you are a teacher. Can you show me where I “consistently conflated” the two terms? Where did I even use the term “drag queens”?