You think the homosexuality should be treated as mental disorder? The APA stopped defining the condition as such back in 1973.
Well, I am glad to hear from somebody who has a lot of background in the discussions over how DSM-V was put together (as well as how something like DSM-II was put together, as that clearly wasn't done with politics in mind, it just so happens to match your politics) as well as a background in psychiatry sufficient to understand the state of primary research on the topic. Can you share the nature of those discussions and primary research with the rest of us?
No, I think men with penises, who in some cases have fathered children, calling themselves women (and believing it) should be treated as a mental disorder.
So homosexuality isn't a mental disorder then, despite being treated as one in DSM-II (same as transgenderism, and, it should be noted, voyeurism and exhibitionism)?
So you would have no problem with this person calling herself a woman since she has been sans penis for several years.
A reminder of gator_lawyer's legal standards: 1. Everything he does like is government doing their job and "democracy in action." 2. Everything he doesn't like is a violation of rights, racist, bigoted, etc.
715 when Alabama police arrested MLK: "You forced us to it, Martin. Sorry that democracy is happening to you. We have to fight back to stop you socialists from destroying our society."
Over $200K being spent on drag queen shows at NYC schools Last month alone, Drag Story Hour NYC — a nonprofit whose outrageously cross-dressed performers interact with kids as young as 3 — earned $46,000 from city contracts for appearances at public schools, street festivals, and libraries, city records show.
Holy shit, is this real? This is some sickness that is spreading and the liberals act like it’s not happening.
Pretty easy to see where all this is heading since it always involves little thing any parent can do at this point is get your kids out of public school.
My case in point. Forcing men to be listed as men on their government issued IDs... this is just like Rosa Parks and MLK guys... Maybe... just maybe... racism is bad AND men are men and women are women.
By the way, I'm still waiting on those Democrats you've sued for First Amendment violations that apparently only Republicans were guilty of. You see, when Democrats do it, you'll get a one time cryptic post from gator_lawyer so he gets to say he criticized it. "He makes a living fighting it." When Republicans do it, you'll get this huge temper tantrum making comparisons to Jim Crow, regardless of how far from the truth that is.