It would never happen I get that. Right now nothing is being done. Guns are the leading cause of death of kids. USA is alone in this distinction
Immigrants can legally own guns without citizenship. May aliens legally in the United States purchase firearms? | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
Or Baltimore, where 12 separate shootings occurred over a 12-hour period this past Tuesday. I agree this country needs stricter gun laws but this increase in shootings goes way beyond the issue of accessibility to weapons.
Yeah I am beginning to think it is wrong to blame this on on guns... Let's see, deported twice, been drinking, I would still have to question if he owned the gun legally. From the first time I read this I got the feeling this guy was going to do something foolish whether he had a gun or not.
This one has really lost steam in recent years when this started happening every other day. When is a good time to talk about it if it never stops happening?
Only one person in this thread offered any kind of a solution. It is extreme and unlawful but at least the poster offered an idea. Elmo at everyone else used this tragedy to mock the other side. To win”points” for their team. So instead of sarcasm, ridicule, mocking show us your ideas, your plan that will stop these tragedies. Gun confiscation? Searchable gun owners database ( be honest, atf already has this). What is you solution? This guy was deported twice. Likely here illegally ( but that’s NOT a problem) had been drinking and firing his rifle off his porch. We have numerous gun laws that are not upheld, enforced or pursued. We have gun charges dropped by DAs everyday. Vast majority of masa shootings are done by gang members. Vast majority are done with a simple 9 mm Glock. So show us what the lab you have, what laws you would enact that would stop this garbage. Because short of confiscating every gun in America.. it isn’t happening. It’s a societal issue.
What's the point of debating or offering solutions or anything? We basically have these threads daily. Nothing is going to change, so let's do it all again and again and again in these threads?
Can you highlight on this thread where pro gun rights "team" used this tragedy to mock gun control advocates? Thank you in advance.
The answer is gun reform. Not sure how many times this needs to be beaten into your skull. That’s the damn solution. You just don’t want to hear it.
Look, this individual was exercising his right to practice shooting accuracy for his role in a well regulated militia.
Please enlighten me. What gun control would you suggest? What laws would you enact that stops this senseless violence. Let’s hear it. Not platitudes, not generic”gun control” tell me exactly what you would do. As for beating it into my skull I’ve offered solutions on this board over and over that I think might help but not stop some of this violence. Tiered licensing Mandatory training Red flag laws One strike and your out No dropping gun charges in ANY crime committed with a gun. Wont stop these types of shootings though. Now your turn. Go ahead. Tell us your SPECIFIC damn solutions.
My fault. “Elmo at” was sully to be “almost everyone” To be fair no.. gun advocates have not mocked him control advocates and very seldom do. To be fair.. few gun advocates have posted in this thread.
He has expressed this gatekeeping sentiment in the past: don't opine on the gun control problem, criticize proposed solutions, or discuss the intransigence of others unless you have a solution to this complex problem.