Neighbors asked a man to stop firing a rifle outside. He then opened fire on them, killing 5 people, a Texas sheriff says Neighbors asked a man to stop firing a rifle outside. He then opened fire on them, killing 5 people, a Texas sheriff says | CNN How do you stop this apart from taking every gun in America?
Well I usually hear 3 things. You pick 1. Thoughts and prayers 2. A good guy with a gun 3. Mental health
More to the story Five people are dead after being shot in a Texas home by a suspect armed with an AR-15 style rifle in a horrific series of "execution style" shootings, police said. A manhunt is currently underway for the suspect, identified by police as 39-year-old Francisco Oropeza, according to ABC station KTRK in Houston. 5 dead in Texas 'execution-style' shooting, suspect armed with AR-15 is on the loose
He killed an 8 year old too. Neighbors- So tragic. Always call cops first Repeal 2A Reality- gun buy backs; want a weapon? must attend an all-day class, pass a written test, and achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test Ban automatic weapons Require all GOP congressmen to go to funerals of dead children who are killed by weapons If convicted of any crime of violence- cant be near a gun at all
“… shooting an AR-15 outside on his front porch. That's when neighbors asked Oropeza to be quiet because they had a baby who was trying to sleep… Oropeza was agitated by the request and began shooting inside a home with 10 people present, according to deputies…..five people are dead, including an 8-year-old.” 8-year-old among 5 people killed in Texas shooting, suspect armed with AR-15 is on the loose |
We don’t need to repeal the 2nd Amendment, we just need to stop the abuse of it. Yes there are laws already in place, but do those laws have any teeth, or is there an unwillingness by law enforcement to charge abusers? My guess is no to both.
I welcome our pro-gun fellow gators to opine on this thread. I will try to summarize your argument and name it after you so that future innocent death tragedy threads can be more succinct. But please, only one trope per poster. Be immortalized!
Think about how much crime would decline next year if everybody just shot each other this year! It's brilliant. So many good guys with guns!
That's Brant Peacher (former FSU baseball player) and his fishing channel. I'm 99% sure this was another of his goofy clickbait videos. He does have some really good fishing on his channel though.
Thanks for pointing this out. I'll add a note to the post that Peacher is known to hoax. A quick internet search yields no info whether it was a hoax. "Gary Syndrome"
Considering the media is calling him a Mexican National I'm curious if he legally owned the gun. I would assume Mexican National means just that, not a person of dual nationality.
There’s a lot of people I’d like to shoot if no one was looking. I tamp down my homicidal urges by not owning a gun which is easy because I’m not perpetually terrified.