This is very subjective material IMO and that’s what makes it so explosive. I don’t see it as a black and white thing.
You really have no idea what you’re talking about. Sad how certain you are over things we don’t know much about.
There's certainly a lot of gray area on getting there, but ultimately I think the destination is indeed your kid's happiness. What that means is different for everyone. And I'd hope most people would be in agreement that saying you'd rather your kid commit suicide is, indeed, insane.
I think if you listen to her words and have any experience of dealing with people who have faced serious mental stresses, you may be able to hear this message a little differently. What I hear is a mom dealing with the challenge of negotiating enabling her child vs. supporting her child. Enabling is more about immediate gratification; support requires a focus on the bigger picture. Sometimes support comes by way of prohibiting the immediate gratification, and that does indeed come off as saying "no" in some extremely tough situations. Just my two bits. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
Sorry, I cant view this as anything other than a bit of narcissism on her part: She literally cant let go of her own vision for her kids life and says she has to impose her own for them. Pretty typical response of a lot of anti-LGBT parents who have kids come out.
You are being too kind. Obviously her comments are light on specifics/facts, so it’s hard to really evaluate what her daughter was dealing with. But it’s immediately obvious this woman was making the whole thing about herself “I wouldn’t let HER destroy MY family”. Is that how family members are supposed to talk about each other when in personal crisis? Strong sociopath vibes here…
I just can’t understand the outrage at limiting gender changing surgeries for minors. Once they are 18/21 let them do whatever they want; like a lot of other things in life.
Shocker I know, the DOJ is pushing back on this hard...'Bans on hormone treatments for children with gender dysphoria, such as the prescription of testosterone to a transgender 12 year-old, violate the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause'
Hormone treatment and surgery aren’t the same thing. Probably best to leave this to families and physicians, at least in terms of reversible therapies. Are parents the ones that should make decisions (education) or is the state (medical)? I wish y’all would come up with a consistent position.
What I’m reading is that she is more than willing to let her daughter die, and is hot-to-trot to pass laws to let your child die too. Having said that I’m on the fence about a minor being reassigned. What if after gender reassignment surgery that years later the person said they were gay, not transgender, and regretted the change? I believe if someone is transgender then they should be allowed to change, but this should be an adult decision made by the person themselves, not someone else. The suicide issue is an entirely different issue and should be treated separately.
How about no one does anything until the child is of age? Can’t rely on parents doing anything. Once you are 18 and you want to reverse your plumbing go for it. I have zero issue with that.
What I hear is a person using their own child's struggles to advance her own political career. The way she framed her reaction was incredibly narcissistic (she can't ruin my family- not even "our family") and brought what is a personal matter (and one that her child might not want in public and might, in fact, still be struggling with) into the public space to benefit herself politically. Tell me how bringing her child's struggles into public was supposed to benefit her child. BTW, being the transgendered child of a Republican politician is hardly "immediate gratification." There would be substantial struggle at that stage going forward to trying to find a place in the world and in that politician's family. The framing that transgender healthcare is some sort of form of immediate gratification is fundamentally dishonest and massively condescending to the person dealing with those issues (and low-key dismissive of the challenges that they face both in the short- and long-term).
The Dems were hardly handed the keys in 2020, certainly not in the US Senate (see Manchin and Sinema). This country desperately needs to eliminate the rampant gerrymandering, that would level the playing field. "Absolute control" is FAR more than fear mongering. See Florida and some of the other most obscenely gerrymandered states.