Fair enough, because I do... BTU...I can cite you the lefties here that were doing exactly what I am stating. So it's funny when the script gets flipped on the exact same group of people (Kansas). Again, if I misunderstood his point, I apologize. It seemed he was talking about the people, but I can see he may have meant the legislature.
The possibility now exists that a boy could take my daughters starting soccer position from her. That’s real effed up dude.
Sadly, it doesn't matter what the people of Florida or Kansas want, they'll get whatever their governor and legislature shoves down their throats until there is a will among the people to stop it ... with their votes. Hence, Kansas being Kansas. But the fact of the matter is, if you live in states that hypothetically 51% republican, and 51% of those republicans (or less, depending on how their primaries work, how many people run, and how thin the vote gets divided) vote for these insane right-wing legislators, then you basically have 25% (or less) of the state's voters forcing this kind of crap on the other 75%...
Clear as mud, it’s certainly a charitable reading of his sentence. To be be fair to me, I find most of his posts incoherent.
Incorrect! The three posters are generally perceived center left leaning and are potentially DemoncRAT’s. the guy....made it sound like his kids are being swept up in the trans “trend” (which in and of its self is brain dead stupid). But thanks for your contribution. Don’t play in traffic.
I was aware that they are left leaning. They also realized your post wasn't serious. But if you are saying you really didn't understand his post then I will take your word for it. In the future, I will not mistakenly believe that you understand things.
It's actually far worse than you imagine. In FL, 63% of residents are registered to vote. The voter registration is then roughly 1/3 republican, 1/3 democrat, and 1/3 indy/npa/minor party. We do a closed primary, with historically a 20-30% turnout. 63%*33%*20or30% = 4-6% picking the R, and 4-6% picking the D for any race. That's means on average perhaps 10% of the state's population are pre-selecting the 2 main candidates for the general election...
I’ll let them speak for themselves but to break it down for you the the humor is found in his blunder in his haste to get out his message of hate. Invariably in this effort bigots don’t think through their posts. I’m amazed by MAGA types who don’t get the rest of the world is laughing at them.
If they believed his kids were trans, then your "I guess you are going through some things" response would have been viewed as compassionate, not funny. I'm well aware that they, and you, were laughing at him. Which brings me back to my original comment that you all knew what he was saying.
Perfect answer from a person who has no skin in the game. Must be easy sitting on the sidelines calling plays. If you weren’t so politically biased, you’d see my point instead of ridiculing me.
You dont have any 'skin in the game' either unless you are playing girls soccer with your kid. You trying to take her starting spot?