Apologies. I cant keep up with whats what. I thought it was a choice they made as an identifier unlike sexual orientation. Isn't calling it a medical condition offensive as it can be seen to imply an abnormality or defect?
My comment was sincere and without malice. Is being transgendered not a choice they make, unlike orientation? Isn't it a social construct? If indeed gender is a social construct and not biological than how is the term "lifestyle" offensive?
As I said above, it’s a recognized medical condition, which implies it’s not a choice. Hence not a “lifestyle”. I agree completely that your post did not come off as malicious, in fact you were trying to be accommodating. But I think implying it’s a choice minimizes what they endure. Their suicide rates are upwards of 50 percent of them attempting it. The struggle is real and not some bit of whimsy or “hey let me try this because it’s cool”. And no you didn’t say either one of those things, but that is what is implied with words like lifestyle. JMO. it’s also why what the rep in Montana said should have been heard and not punished over. Further stigmatizing this group the way the Montana legislature seems to want to will mean more dead kids. Awful but true.
To your final comment, Republicans preventing her from speaking for the district and people she was elected to represent is denying democracy. The other aspect is that silencing her solely on a demographic hinders her from contributing to solutions for the states complex problems, which they should be focused on instead of spending time on this issue. It hurts everyone.
And you have a medical degree or a PhD in clinical psychology or clinical social work and have experience treating transgender persons?
There is a movement afoot in today's Republican party that is dangerous and threatens to destroy our way of life. I have often said that I have faith in the American people to soundly reject these demagogues, as we did in 2022. The point of my article, which you missed, was merely to point out the danger posed by the right wing of today's GOP and the need to stay vigilant and speak out. NOTE: Though I needn't say it, I will: I have nothing against conservative philosophy and respect everyone of those Republicans who many in today's GOP disparage as RINO's. There is a broad swath from the left to right where most Americans reside politically. Though I don't excuse the excesses of some on the far left, I don't see them as the primary danger to the Republic. As has almost always been the case in history, the real danger is from the far right.
So the very people who built this country, the same people who helped abolish slavery are the same ones who will destroy it too. Come on dude. Are you really this far out there?
How ironic that you should mention slavery. It was the good Americans who had to fight bitterly for generations against demagogues to get that most previous of rights - freedom. No, the ones who would destroy it - loudly and aggressively insisting they're making it great again - are not of the same type who made it great. Many, many scholars and others have noted that democracies are fragile, and that its citizens must be vigilant against demagogues. It's going on in several democracies around the world. We're not immune. DeSantis is a perfect example of a demagogue - a petty, unkind little man without true friends and always in a peeve about something.
Cultural battles have been going on a long time, but removing elected officials from the floor or kicking them out entirely seems like an entirely different issue.
A Montana GOP state lawmaker said she'd rather her daughter commit suicide than transition her gender. Nationwide, this is the level of mental sickness we are dealing with from these culture warriors.
While I'd prefer my kids not be LGBT I can't imagine wanting anything more than for them to be happy with themselves
Montana state lawmaker's remarks about trans daughter draws backlash — NBC News the sponsor of the bill there was literally willing to risk her daughter committing suicide rather than support her. it’s truly become an ideological war with the 1500’s one side of the debate.