Yesterday the house passed a measure to ban Trans(Biological Males) from competing in WOMENS Sports. Not 1 Democrat voted in favor. Tells me all I need to know about Democrats and who they care about. They care about the 1% and not Women or WOMENS rights. Democrats claim to be for women’s rights but the way they vote tells a different story. And don’t try to tell me someone born as a male that claims to be a trans woman is a woman.
Counting down to somebody defending men beating up women under the cover of institutional sports … 3 … 2 …
Cool, we have even further isolated an already isolate minority that is under attack at the state level in many states. Guessing next move from the Republi-bans is rounding them all up into camps?
Everybody is or can be a minority if you start taking feelings into account. That said, I doubt the legislation passes the Senate; and good luck getting the President to sign it. This topic generally doesn't move the needle for left-leaning folks on this board, but the right usually tries to force the issue for a response, and some on the left will happily accept the antagonistic role for effect (the whole easy-target thing). Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
Or, the Dems think that woman have less rights than these sick transvestites... transsexuals... transgenders... do. Or what ever their mental disorder is called.
Well, I think by definition < 1% of a population with shared, distinct and unique attributes is a minority within that population. Been nearly 40 years since Statistical Mechanics, but pretty sure that is a true statement. Of course it is not going to pass the Senate. Not the point and the Republi-ban knows that. However, the constant drumbeat of villificaiton of a small fraction of the population, creating an "enemy of the people" or in this case "an enemy of our made up version of morality" is right out of the playbook from the 1930's Europe. And no, this specific issue does not move any needle for most people regardless of political leaning directly, but having married a Jewish woman, the isolation, demonization and villification of any minority group deeply offends me. Further, it should at least bother most decent people at some level. It definitely does not both the Republi-ban.
Wrong. Show the stats to prove that Under attack how? Being made to use the bathroom based on your biological plumbing? Don’t force your trans BS on me and I won’t bother you if you are trans. Deal? And last I heard it was a Trans Person shooting up a school and killing children so who is being rounded up?
LOL, how many times can we have same conversation about this, I've laid out where I stand before, we keep having the same thread over and over. Like with COVID, its become boring and no one has anything new to say that hasnt been said before.
I disagreed with you but read all of this. I did read the bill - trans men or minor children should not compete in womens or girls'' sports. For many reasons the Senate should pass it. Not sure about subsection (e) of that bill. What does the Comptroller General have to do with a myriad of studies (read it there is a lot to that subsection? Why throw that in? ***NOW where you take pot shots ***that do not help AT ALL in the discussion .The 2nd and 3rd and 4th sentences. You want to have that discussion, better for a separate thread. SO I won't engage at all in the flame throwing part of your post. I think most reasonable people will agree that trans men shouldn't compete with biologocail women in almost any sport (NOTE- men and women compete in equestrian events on flat/jumps; sailing, darts, the luge)
If house republicans were serious about this, they would have done bipartisan legislation and compromise. This is virtue signaling at best and checking a box for their voters.
I'm in favor of considering any biological/chemical specifications that may exist, and I think that could be potentially useful for determining a level of fairness. This is a case of minority vs. minority. Support for one, in this case, is a perceived transgression against the other. Respectfully, I don't see how your analogy is applicable. We have to be able to have conversations about who is appropriate to compete in women's sports without jumping to labels of "isolation, demonization and vilification" (we don't want that to happen, regardless of what is determined to be the most appropriate group for said competitions). As a society, we're not looking to keep *any* of these folks from competing, we're just trying to figure out what the umbrella of "women's sports" is supposed to look like. Personally, I think the discussion is fair, but I agree it is not always done as respectfully as it could be. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
Republicans are straight up perverts wanting to impregnate 10 year old girls. They hate women over the age of 15 and love to take long warm showers with little boys in the wee hours of the morning. See, we can play that stupid game too.
These bills hurt all women because what’s coming next will be invasive tests on all women athletes who some believe are too masculine looking to really be women. The imaginary advantages trans athletes have over women don’t hold up to scrutiny. A female high jumper with high quality coaching, training, and form can, and has, easily outperform another female with superior physical advantages, but with poor training and coaching.
Agree vilification and encouraging hate for this small fraction is awful and is a byproduct of the war on woke. But, transgender women do have an unfair advantage competing in women’s sports. And it’s the women athletes that make the sacrifice. Not male athletes. Not us. Not politicians. Women in sports, who might all of a sudden lose a team spot or lose championships (ie swimming recently) because of this unfair advantage. Is it more important for the overall message our society shows compassion and considers everyone equal? Regardless a few women athletes could have their dreams crushed by this unfair advantage? That’s not rhetorical as I’m trying to understand. Because it seems unfair to women and it’s rarely mentioned when support is shown for transgender athletes.