Russia's economy is much more in the toilet than the Kremlin is willing to admit. Apparently, all of the military sector spending is covering up a disaster in the making for the rest of the economy. Retail sales are down, domestic travel is down, and the housing market is stagnant. Vehicle sales, imports, credit growth, and house prices are all down. Russia's war economy isn't as resilient as reports would have you believe
A Russian court has fined Wikipedia (again) for telling a little too much of the truth about the Ukraine War in its Russian language version. I hope Wikipedia doesn't have to give up my $3.00. Russian court fines Wikipedia for article about Ukraine war
American reporter in Russian prison Evan Gershkovich has already gone insane after only a few days in Russian prison. He said that his mother's cooking has prepared him for Russian prison food. If he ever gets released from prison, he can rest assured that his mother will track him down and kill him. Of course, she might torture him a little first. His mother replied, "His spirit is shining, so it should be easy to find him so I can wring his neck." Imprisoned reporter writes home: 'My mother's cooking prepared me for Russian jail'
Seems like it’s basically a stalemate at present on the grander scale with Russia having more of the upper hand at the moment in Bakhmut.
I dunno G8tr - Same license that some GMC / Ford / Toyota drivers in their "tankish SUVs" Humvees and recreational vehicles have I guess.
My shocked face … Brits who took in Ukrainians want tougher background checks after falling victim to fraud and theft | Daily Mail Online
Supposedly the tank is heading to Maryland for testing. Saw a more recent article which included a picture of this exact tank in the field in Ukraine. That’s one thing about this war that never ceases to amaze me the amount of information we’re getting is fascinating.
Predictions of Ukraine's counter-offensive being successful from an unlikely source: none other than Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of Wagner Group in Russia. He says that Russia is in a state of crisis right now. Wagner Group leader says a Ukrainian counter-offensive would likely succeed as Russia is in 'crisis,' report says Apparently, he thinks Russia needs to hit rock bottom before it can return to glory. Whatever floats your boat, Prigo.
You can demilitarize it and make it into a museum piece, or you can sell it to the military for study. There are no other realistic options.
The Bahkmut fighting around the Railroad Station and facilities, for those that follow, has alarming similarities to the infamous "Tractor Factory" in Stalingrad. Back and Forth, Back and Forth. Apparently a blood bath but not on the same scale. I pity combatants that must fight in such horrible barbaric conditions. Trench warfare, or room to room, building to building. Hell on Earth.
It is interesting to me how you have two military factions - Wagner group and traditional Russian military competing with each other, sometimes at the expense of Russian interests, and it continues to happen out in the open.
A little like the unhealthy competition between the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS, isn’t it? But I don’t question anything that’s bad for Russia. Let them turn their guns on each other. I’m all for it.