I dabbled in some illegals, but was grossly unimpressed. Got the same effect from cocaine as loading up on caffeine and nicotine (less actually; waa largely unphased), only without the felonious stakes, and way more palpable effects from the spirits than weed, again, without the stakes. Plus, the spirits wash out the next day, while the ganja seemed to dim the wits for like a week. (A few othdr experimentals, with straight up negative effects. No thx). That was largely my experience anyway. To each his own...
Was puzzling over thst dl too. ...agree with the notion of exposing the cockroaches and bringing the hammer down......but extremely distrustful of our justice system. IOW, at this point I fully expect the "cover" the be drawn....and the only *evidence* to be found, will be a pic with Trump's mug photoshopped with a blurred kid....and of couse, and expeditious indictment to follow, and a cimplicit full court press by the MSM running full cover.... (Speaking of our politiburo pravda press corps...aint that something how the contents of the recent leaks....which have been leaked, and are out there...dont seem to be getting any play? ...huh. it's like if the Am. Public isnt apprised, itll be like it never hsppened, and the forign entities and allies effected, will be de-harmed...). Perhaps that's what the DL was for.
LSD is the only truly impressive drug, IMO. I don’t recommend it to anyone who isn’t totally comfortable exploring their own mind.
Anyone engaging in underage trafficking is equally vile. My guess is almost every one of us unwittingly voted for one too
For sure for most people the Poe warning applies “who knows what evil actually lurks in the most docile of men? Some make it easy by shouting it out
“When they’re young and you’re a star you can do whatever you want - grab em by the pussy!” - likely Trump quote
Facts about the culture of enablement around Epstein that seem undeniable. First, so many highly educated people seemed to find him a brilliant conversationalist. Second, he had vast sums of money at his disposal that no story I have read (there are many), has ever fully explained how he got. He had the VS benefactor, but still nothing close to adding up. Third, and most significantly, while it is hard to pin down exactly who else of the wealthy and powerful people he was constantly around actively "participated" in his rapes of underage girls, everyone had to know exploitation was occurring. He was totally indiscreet, flaunting his "lifestyle", in an appropriate use of the word. Nothing explains having constant underage girls you are unrelated to in tow all the time, taking them in groups to receptions with you, such that female staff at many events and institutions he was at tried to plot interventions and rescues. What was occurring was obvious unless you pretended not to see it, and most chose that path. The culture of enablement was populated by the wealthy and powerful, but otherwise was not restricted to any ideology or party, just the idea that wealthy powerful white men that travel in the right circles have impunity. And Alan Dershowitz can threaten to sue, sue, and complain all he wants. But you can condemn him solely on conduct he admits to, without determining how much farther he went. He has acknowledged constantly being around Epstein and his never ending supply of underage victims, and getting repeated "massages" from them (which is how Epstein always started and told them they were there for - to give massages), in his underwear. NO ACCEPTABLE MORAL explanation for that conduct. I believe he went farther, but what he has admitted to is sufficient to damn him in my estimation. And while many others may not have gotten "massages", they all had to know something was wrong, and did and said nothing.
My wife has been hate watching the Coronation and tells me that Prince Andrew has a more prominent place than Harry. I guess consorting with Epstein is not as grievous a sin as tainting the sacred royal blood line through miscegenation
long buried grand jury testimony and evidence about to be unsealed..ruh roh raggy Epstein Cover Set to Explode: Appeals Court Ruling Could ‘Pave Way for Release’ of Buried Grand Jury Records (msn.com) An alleged Jeffrey Epstein coverup is set to explode after a new appeals court ruling “paved the way” for the release of buried grand jury records, RadarOnline.com has learned. In a sudden development to come 17 years after Epstein faced minor charges in Palm Beach, Florida, for suspected sex crimes, a Wednesday appeals court ruling determined the judge at the time was mistaken in ruling he could not release grand jury records about the 2006 inquiry. The court has now reportedly sent the case to Circuit Judge Donald W. Hafele, who, per the court’s instructions, will determine which of the 2006 grand jury records can be released to the public. “A full accounting of what happened and how it occurred is significant to the victims because they don’t want it to happen to anyone ever again,” said Palm Beach attorney Spencer Kuvin. “There was a huge amount of secrecy.”
People were paid off and the girl and her family were threatened. Future Trump Labor Secretary Acosta, the DA at the time, made the case go away.
I found her to be credible in this interview and iirc there was one or more other girls - now women that could corroborate her story but then - poof - it all went away.
My guess is that Epstein’s sleaze permeates so much of the upper levels of government. My gut feel is nothing will ever be released.
Musk got subpoenaed by the USVI. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/15/us-...ena-to-elon-musk-in-jeffrey-epstein-case.html