Isn’t she in prison? I can’t imagine why she wouldn’t talk if she had something to say that could grant her freedom.
So apparently someone is in favor of keeping it all a secret. Wtf? #dislike Expose the roaches for what they are. I don't give a rip what side of the aisle they're on.
I wasn’t clear. I agree with you. I just wanted to point to those that are thinking that trump was the only one that needs to be worried that they are sorely mistaken. Guys like Epstein usually take great care to ensure that neither party wants to rat him out for political gain. I’m sure he had his bases covered.
Could be. She was sentenced to 20 years. Seems like a lot to sacrifice at her age even if she gets out early and gets a ridiculous amount of money. I mean wasn’t she rich to begin with?
She's 61 years old serving a 20 year sentence that she must complete 85% of before she's eligible for supervised release. You also have to factor in that incarceration decreases one's life expectancy, which for her was 78+ years, by 13%. Do the math. If she knew something to help her get out, she'd spill it. The Consequences of Incarceration for Mortality in the United States
I don’t think you know what shortest odds mean. In this case the pedophiles are undoubtably of all stripes.
I’ve been 100% sober for 5 years and it’s been fantastic, wouldn’t go back. But man on man when I was young it was a good ride. I think back fondly of some of the outrageous moments.
Uh, okay. Damn, I don’t know what I missed by not doing illegal drugs when I was younger. It back to the topic, Epstein is a piece of crap who should have been locked up well before he actually was. And there are a bunch of other people in addition to Donald Trump, who are hoping the true facts never come out.
Bill Richardson / Democrat, and of course Prince Andrew both may have had a "cheeky" time with Jeffery to name a couple of non Republicans that just may be sweating out the video details. I refuse to let party or ideology cloud my thinking. Best not put me in charge of punishment, to quote a line from Quinton Tarantino, I would go midevil on that ass.