No, it’s deliberate and insidiously clever by Republicans. Bring up these issues that are rare but weird and that most people (at best) aren’t comfortable with, and by design force Democrats to argue the other side to alienate moderates. Republicans can then make the same claims that @gator95 is such a fan of. “These Democrat creeps want to protect crossdressing men who are preying on your babies!!!” or “Democrats want to let MEN pretend to be women and take all your daughters’ sports trophies!!”
Personally, I agree with those that don’t understand what the benefit is to children having drag queens read stories. Don’t think I’d ever intentionally take my son to such an event. But, once again, I don’t think this remotely warrants the media or political attention it gets, and don’t think laws need to be enacted to prevent it. I have had zero trouble in four years avoiding these events by simply not looking for them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Lol. Why take the other side of trans athletes versus women? That’s just stupid. But hey, if you want to support all trans athletes then be my guest. I’ll support the women and girls.
No one even has to take the other side. All they have to do is voice any opposition to ideas of clear oppression or government overreach, and mouth breathers will accuse them of being against girls and women. Just look how many posters here have expressed concerns with the government approach and leaving it up to sports authorities, and your response has basically been, “You’re a tranny lover who doesn’t support women!” It’d be farcical if it weren’t so successfully divisive.
It’s now Govt overreach for simply stating that trans women shouldn’t compete against women? You sound like NPR saying “there is limited scientific research” involving transgender athletes. Lia Thomas is the perfect example. No one with an open mind would believe that a trans athlete wouldn’t have have a physical advantage over biological women. It’s like saying there isn’t much of a difference between men and women physically. It’s why we have two different distinctions. I’m fine if they want to have an “open” division for trans athletes.
I'm beginning to think most transgender females really are women......They sure as hell can't keep their mouths shut much like other women.
While I don't think trans women should compete against women, I do think it's govt overreach to ban it, or to mandate that they can compete. It should be up to the sports organizations. If the Olympics, the WBA, USA Powerlifting or whoever make their decision, a governor, Congress or the president should stay out of it.
But notice he is speaking about his choices as a parent ... seems weird that DeSantis is so obsessed with drag queen shows --most of which I've been to are pretty tame -- but it's perfectly legal in Florida to take your little kids to a movie theater to watch 50 Shades of Gray or let them watch anything they want on Cable at home ... maybe it's something the government should stay out of...
That is fine. But as a society. Most will support protecting children from that scenario. Now if VA wants to take his child to a drag book reading event. By all means. Just surprised VA would do that…
Are there woke vans forcing families with small children into them at gunpoint and making them attend a drag book reading? In a state with massive, real problems, why is this such an area of focus?