LOL. It's like you aren't trying to have a serious conversation. If you were you would've googled some drag shows with kids present and see what happens. Shocking footage family friendly drag queen show sees performer spreading legs in front of kids | Daily Mail Online Video of drag queen gyrating next to child sparks backlash Children in Attendance at Drag Event in North Texas Miami ‘kids at drag show’ case headed to court
Yeah, not sure i'd want to be on the Drag shows in front of kids bandwagon, but since you are a lib maybe that's your thing...
Have at it. Drag queens are not normal. I don’t hate them, but I wouldn’t worry about their right to be anywhere near children. I think France is more conservative than the crazy libbies on TH.
If I had young child I wouldn't object to him or her listening to a drag queen in makeup reading a children's book to a group of children. I would never want a young child in the audience of a sexually suggestive drag show and I feel exactly the same about a burlesque show with strippers. Conservatives Explain Why They Oppose Drag Shows
Why does someone need to dress up as a drag queen to read a book to young kids? Why not be "normal" ..... and just wear nice business casual attire?
Don't agree but that's your choice. Just don't understand the need to push having drag queens read to children. How about a police officer, a fire fighter, a doctor, a nurse, a plumber, an electrician and so on. Don't understand the need to expose children to drag queens. That is the question.
Boring - no kid is going to listen to some guy in a suit. Maybe Mr. Rodgers (dead). Now several dressed up as the village people? Absolutely.
I think a drag queen reading to kids is weird.....and confusing to kids that age. Usually the initial kid take is the accurate one before adults try to splain it.
It wouldn't shock me to see a kid raise their hand and say "Are you a man?" (without embarrassed adult who arranged it trying to smooth it over). After the "yes", then would come the various why questions, which would be even more confusing, and followed-up with questions to mom and dad. I mean the EQ meter here isn't on. Why is this being purported as a thing to do again? I must have missed the memo.
Confusing to the kid how? If you think a 3 year old is wondering if the reader has a girlfriend or a boyfriend, I think you may be the problem.
I don't push having drag queens read to children, it's just that I'm not obsessed with condemning the practice (there is a difference) and by the way I would be very supportive of having a police officer, fire fighter, doctor or nurse, etc. reading to the children.
Confusing as a man in over the top makeup is reading to me? You can't be telling me kids will think it's all normal and this is Bozo reading to us. I mean, cmon.
The hills that people (right or left ) plant their flags on in this bizarro cultural war seem like a waste of time.
Why do all these places do it then? Why the need? I don't advocate for strippers coming to read to school kids dressed in their working outfits. It's common sense. Seems it's gone from the fringe left and fringe right as well.