There are sports governing bodies aren’t there like the one inFL for HS sports - FHSSA. It has some independence as does the AAU.
Ah the accusation of “feigning sympathy”. Just because you are supporting trans women athletes over real women don’t blame me for that dumb take.
Apparently you're not familiar with Caster Semenya. She's not trans. She's an actual woman born with an intersex condition resulting in a significantly higher level of testosterone than is normal for a woman giving her an athletic advantage over most other women. To even the scales the governing body of women's track insisted that she take a testosterone suppressor.
Truly sorry. Yeah, I don’t make it a high priority to keep up with manly women who run track. Kudos to you for knowing who Caster Semenya is.
Understandable since the subject of this thread is about transgender women. I mentioned Semenya is response to another post which raised the issue of of her hormone levels.
They appeal their situation to the board if their is an issue. But XX should compete against XX and XY should compete against XY. It is not a hard concept.
It is still not right, IMO trans women should not be allowed to compete against female athletes. However, they should be allowed to compete in men's sports. The Locker room issues may require creativity. XXY athletes are in a league of their own. Not sure I can make a call without more information.
Interesting the world triathalon board has just created an open category to mixed reviews I can’t find any record of a transgendered man with a notable result but in 2009 a transgendered woman did very well and followed it up with a 7th in his age group on team USA duathalon in 2015 Three Perspectives on Ironman’s Controversial New Open Category and Transgender Policy 30 Moments of Pride: Chris Mosier earns a spot in Team USA - Outsports
How about people with this condition? While it's an admittedly rare condition, that's an overly broad statement. Androgen insensitivity syndrome: MedlinePlus Genetics
A drag queen reading a child's book to little kids is not a drag show. It's the equivalent a clown in full makeup reading to the kids. If there are lefties in favor of having drag shows for little kids please provide some examples with links. Just asking.
At least "libbies" are not inflicted with DQDS (Drag Queen Derangement Syndrome) unlike the current crop of so called conservatives.