several very knowledgible posters on here seem to believe coach thornqvist is just going through the motions.if that is right i agree, and that should never happen at a school like uf with its history.i would like to throw out a name and get thoughts.first of all it is a female, and i do not know if many womens teams are coached by a women and how she would be recieved by the she was a outstanding player, and as we have seen in so many other sports it is hard to translate competative desire and work ethic to others.the name i want thoughts on is the greatest female player ever at uf lisa "tanning hour " raymond. thoughts?
Great great player, but don't know if she has ever coached anyone a day in her life. Sometimes great player can translate to great coach, sometimes not. Unsure what she is doing since retirement, believe she is involved with one of her former doubles partners. Guess it could be a high risk high reward hire
But these are exceptions not common. Confused as always: Did we lose our tennis coach? or is this just make believe.
we have not lost coach, but a downward trend over the past few years does not seem to be stopping soon.
The original poster went into detail on his thoughts re Coach T....he clearly just wanted to run up an idea to discuss. You know kind of what these boards are for
showing recruits all her grand slam doubles/mixed doubles trophies could not hurt, plus her 2 ncaa singles championships.coaching now days seems more ceo like, hire great assistants, do the recruiting.