Brian Berletic is a former US Marine who uses only Ukrainian maps and Western sources to illustrate how badly the war is going for Ukraine ...
Russia Threatens to Blow Up ICC With Hypersonic Missile Called it! lmao, so predictable. That's their silly chest-beating response to everything. What do they suppose would happen to mother Russia in such an event. 1000 mg of stfu to the blowhards in Moscow, not the capsule, not the injectable, but the suppository.
In Bizarro World rescuing children from indiscriminate killing is kidnapping. Be honest with yourself. You, like others on this thread, are so marinated in Bad Man Putin that it’s embedded in your pores and requires industrial cleaning.
Deporting children to be indoctrinated as “Russian citizens” is not rescuing children. Only in bizarro world would someone find that practice to not be kidnapping and criminal.
Exactly. In your world, which you evidently deem to be “normal”, children deported from their parents by an invading armed force to the invading country where they are indoctrinated, is “public schools.” Here, in the place you call bizarro world, that practice is criminal and deplorable. Thank goodness America treats its children loath more deference, care and love than the places you come from or wish to be
I finally did it, blocked dugger for the latest set of comments. One of only three blocked over the years.
My answer to that is, go on and do it. Make this easy. I can’t think of a faster way to make both Gaetz et al and Jayapal et al drop their separate BS and call for war. Even Orban would be facing the personal dilemma of dropping his nonsense or having the bloodthirsty Hungarian mob climbing his walls.
Whenever I click the link the screen goes black. Maybe Russia already nuked NYC and we’ll have to wait and hear about it later.
Some language in the video but tastefully delivered with a very important public service message for the Russians.
Two European leaders who would be hard to topple: Putin is one and this is the other ... How Viktor Orbán Wins | Journal of Democracy
Let me tell you how it works in that Sh*T hole called Russia despite what Druggers Dad (poor drugger) says: Walk by the police and mention the "War" in Ukraine - You will be arrested for not using the "official description" Say anything but praise that P.O.S. Putin - Go to jail. At least with Trump I have not been arrested for calling him out for what he WAS and IS. Miserable bunch of vodka swilling drunks over there. You open your mouth and comment outsie of the "Putin Party Line" go to jail. Russians have long been trained their only value is the value of 98 lbs of flesh to the state for whatever the state wants to use it for. The USA has a long and deplorable list of evils associated with it, the difference of course is one of scale. Yes I rail against the injustices of the USA, that is still a right granted to me. I put Russia in the 300 - 500% WORSE range in every EVIL category. Just look at the average life span of Russian citizens. Russia is every bit as racist as the USA too, especially the further EAST one travels on the Trans Siberian. It's a polluted pit, courtesy of the former Soviet Union.
LOL, tell me how Strelkov’s not in jail. Never mind Russia, here in NC, in 2020, business owners, who were not permitted to open their businesses, were arrested for peacefully demonstrating outside the state capitol. Pfft.