I know you despise reality, but yet again, The US did not roll tanks or short missiles into Ukraine. That was all Russia. The United States did not roll tanks or shoot missiles into Russian, that was nobody. The United States is not fighting for its existence; Ukraine is. Your bot-based information does nothing to alter the reality of the situation.
That's impossible because apparently nothing would. The drone did not damage its prop by hitting a seagull. It's patently obvious what happened. You act like a Russian diplomat more and more as time passes.
ICC issues arrest warrant for Putin over Ukraine war crimes: "The court said in a statement that Putin “is allegedly responsible for the war crime of unlawful deportation of population (children) and that of unlawful transfer of population (children) from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation.” "It also issued a warrant Friday for the arrest of Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova, the Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the Office of the President of the Russian Federation, on similar allegations." I'm sure he'll be surrendering himself shortly. ICC issues arrest warrant for Putin over Ukraine war crimes
Well apparently you CAN ignore a mod Will check back later if he found the answer or perhaps others can advise..
He has already stated his position that it was a liquid mass or fuel that the propeller collided with which caused the slight damage to the propeller we see in the video. I tend to agree. There’s no way the propeller would still be that much intact if a jet had actually collided with it. The propellerS would have been ripped to shreds in that had happened. It makes more more sense that the propeller was bent a little out of shape when it made contact with a liquid mass at high speeds. Look at the footage. That propeller would have been FUBAR if it had actually collided with the Russian jet. Some of you have a very limited understanding of physics and aviation.
I like it, but we all need to remember that it does not mean a thing if Russia wins the war in any degree whatever. War crimes trials are strictly for losers, not victors.
The ICC is a tool of the US and is irrelevant to the likes of Russia and China. Bluntly, let the ICC arrest Putin.
Wouldn't be surprised. That's why you see Russia hurrying to gather the wreckage. The need to scavenge what technology they can to try and compete with other conventional military powers. Nobody scurried out to dredge up that rusted turd because it had USSR level tech.
Are you hoping that we eventually go into Moscow by force and arrest Putin? I’d love to see him arrested, but at what price?
Imagine if they spent the resources on literally anything other than a kangaroo court. I'd bet millions of dollars in man hours were wasted on this fantasy. All for the virtue points.
They a scooping up flotsam the good stuff is little pieces scattered over at least 10 sq miles at 4-5K deep. Good luck with that comrade.
When you're already a decade behind the competition and hemorrhaging young talent like Russia you have to take what you can get man.
Russia's military is at least 6x larger than Ukraine's. Russia has better equipment, 3x the total population, intact civilian infrastructure, an economy that shrank like 3% despite sanctions and shows no signs of slowing down. They're going to win unless someone else of significance enters the war. At the very least we can be 100% sure Russia will not lose in any meaningful way other than not gaining all of Ukraine. Math and common sense say they're all but sure to win.
Agree. I am concerned Ukraine’s recapture has peaked and by prolonging the war, we risk ceding further ground to Russia in the long run. In the end, this is not a war we’re going to be able to win by wearing it on our sleeves. It’s a war of logistics.
yeah but your conveniently forgetting everything NATO is sending in. That and the fact that Ukraine is 10x more efficient in killing Russians. how long have they being trying to take Bakhmut? Battle for Bakhmut grinds down Wagner's mercenaries and cuts their notorious leader down to size | CNN