Just more small government republicans at work. Nothing to see. And I am just trying to imagine the heads exploding if a dem governor took over a Republican leaning school district.
Valid question. I presume this oversight must be present in the laws in order for this to happen, so I am guessing it is indeed legal. But even if this oversight is in the letter of the law, I believe this move to still be at odds with the spirit of conservatism.
If my school district was failing year after year, I would be fine with my Democrat governor taking it over. He should be taking over the one in Louisville, KY which has been a disaster for years.
I think the OP provided you with a reasonable amount of context. My devoid-of-context take: Show me a Gov meddling with education and I'll show you a big screw up. As for the TX governor's move here: Let's see how that helps the teacher shortage.
Well, we no longer have children, but here in N Carolina, at least two local school board candidates had bibles and crucifixes on their campaign signs. One even claimed she was "ordained by God to lead our schools back to Christian virtues". They may not have their affiliation on the ballot, but it is not difficult to tell the Dems from Republi-bans.
Since I’m NPA that won’t affect me at all… I’ll bet most of the Dems here would almost never vote for a Pub so I guess it helps them too
NPA? You'll lose your vote on School Board primary elections when they go party affiliation. In Brevard, we like it when Sheriff Ivey spoon feeds us his candidates....
I mean, my post said I thought it would happen, if you have examples of it already happening to provide more context here, post away.
Tx does away with school libraries in Houston. Will use them as areas for kids with behavior problems instead. The antithesis of an educational place imo. HISD to eliminate librarians, turn some libraries into discipline centers at 28 campuses HOUSTON – Houston Independent School District will be eliminating librarian positions at 28 schools this upcoming year and utilizing some of the libraries as ‘Team Centers” where kids with behavioral issues will be sent, the district announced.
so less libraries, more detention facilities with armed guards? let's take the worst kids and cluster them together in a "secure" environment until they age out. brilliant...
T’would be interesting to know the demographics of the schools without libraries and the reasoning behind the move.