I get a kick out of your posts because they contain show zero knowledge about military ops and what our military knows and doesn’t know about any given situation (to be fair there’s plenty they don’t share but it’s obvious they are very well informed before they speak). “My question is why dump fuel which is necessary for flight operations?” LOL
It’s allegedly 4-5K deep. Don’t think they have the combo of time and capability to get is and it’s most important components are likely irretrievable or not useful in their current condition. edit the last bit of your post is wickedly funny I glossed right over that
I have not seen the exact coordinates of where the incident took place, but from what I’m hearing it was “just 25 miles off” the coast of Ukraine, nowhere near Russia. For your metaphor to make sense, we would have to be throwing a fit about Russia doing the same off the coast of Venezuela with the blessings of the Venezuelan government. Russia has taken an unnecessarily provocative step against a stronger and more advanced adversary that has shown remarkable forbearance (to a fault, in my opinion) with their aggression to this point. If you want to equivocate on that, then be my guest.
If a neighbor a block away puts out a hit on me, and stands on his food with binoculars signaling to the sniper that I’ve gone to the mailbox ... it doesn’t matter that he’s a block away.
I did a double take on that one, too. You don’t have to be an aviation or military professional to understand that pilots dump fuel all of the time. The purpose is usually to reduce gross weight before landing. In this case, the pilot undoubtedly did a fuel calculation, determined he had a sufficient load to return to base with a reserve, and expended a measured amount in his valiant maneuver against an unmanned, unarmed enemy aircraft. Did anyone else really need that explained to them, or was it obvious?
So if your kid is running his RC car on the public street or sidewalk, it's OK with you if I run it over?
no I didn't listen to the 30 minute clip you provided. did you? Here is Austin today, less than 2 mintues Pentagon video shows Russian jet dumping fuel on US drone; Poland to send fighter jets to Ukraine: Live updates (msn.com) Austin "one russian jet struck our MQ - 9 aircraft" Did you listen to the 30 minute clip or did you find a bias interpretation of it and go with it?
end even then he couldn't hit the target zone and flood the intake with fuel causing the engine to fail brave and valiant Vlad trying to help poor drone with extra fuel to make sure it can return safely to base
"The drone was not shot down yet claims are Russian jets dumped fuel on the drone. Potentially the video if released will confirm this. My question is why dump fuel which is necessary for flight operations?" To blind the drone's optical instruments. US releases video of Russian jet dumping fuel on its drone
if the fuel mixture goes into the intake for the engine it would likely cause the engine to flood out as the air-fuel mixture in the engine would be screwed up
Irreducible minimum: it’s a war and no use getting butthurt when your enemy breaks the rules like you do.
russians must be fleeing in droves. passports being taken to prevent them from leaving Russia is confiscating its officials' passports to stop them fleeing the country or defecting, UK intel says (msn.com) Russia is confiscating the passports of some officials to stop them fleeing the country, according to UK intelligence. The UK Ministry of Defence said in an intelligence update on Wednesday that "some officials have likely had to forfeit their passports" to Russia's Federal Security Service. It said that "the measures are likely designed to prevent the flight or defection of increasingly disaffected officials." The MOD described this as a widening of existing measures which have existed since Soviet times and were tightened in 2014 when Russia occupied Ukraine's Crimea peninsula.
If Europeans are going to give up all these MiG's. will they have enough pilots to fly F-16's too? how good are soviet air defenses around Crimea? Will Ukraine be able to gain some air superiority with this influx of jets? Poland plans to grant Ukraine's request for fighter jets (msn.com) Poland’s president said Thursday that his country plans to give Ukraine around a dozen MiG-29 fighter jets, which would make it the first NATO member to fulfill the Ukrainian government's increasingly urgent requests for warplanes. President Andrzej Duda said Poland would hand over four of the Soviet-made warplanes “within the next few days” and that the rest needed servicing and would be supplied later. The Polish word he used to describe their number can mean between 11 and 19. “They are in the last years of their functioning but they are in good working condition,” Duda said of the aircraft.Duda did not say whether other countries would be making the same move, although Slovakia has said it would send its disused MiGs to Ukraine. On Wednesday, Polish government spokesman Piotr Mueller said some other countries with MiGs also had pledged them to Kyiv, but he did not name them.
I’m still hung up on the necessary for military operations bit. He’s hysterically (unintentionally) funny.
To add to a very long list....you are also VERY bad at analogies lol "stands on his food with binoculars"?? Way to paint a picture
Calm down. It’s the spelling, not the analogy. It was supposed to be “roof.” Now continue in your Murcan rage.