Under that horrendous bill every woman who has an abortion in South Carolina and who doesn't fall under one of the statutory exceptions can legally be sentenced to death. FACT. You are the only one reading it as making the death penalty a minimum mandatory sentence. Death, however, is a very real sentencing option.
Hint: The Handmaid's Tale was not meant to be a documentary nor an instruction manual, yet here we are.
you're incorrect. the bill language itself is what is emphasized above. The italicized portion was RS adding their opinion of what the bill actually states. I read the bill. It doesn't state the italicized part. Maybe before implying someone else has a disability make sure your own house is in order.
It would almost be a good thing if the bill passed the SC legislature. Perhaps it would be a good wake-up call to anyone still on the sidelines or calling themselves a “moderate”. Let’s see what happens when this American Taliban puts some college aged girl on death row.
A normal person would look at the title and say that a woman who has an abortion would be subject to the death penalty. The title nowhere suggests that the bill calls for executing every woman that has an abortion. That comes later if the crazies really take over.
You people who tell me I am a hypocrite and lack credibility because I am pro life and refuse to call it murder like others chose to do... Now you know why... This is my fear. Reasoned debate and solutions are going to be wiped out by the idiots pulling crap like this. I give up.
I understand what you’re saying. But look at the title of the article and this thread. “Proposes death penalty.” It doesn’t say “at risk of death penalty” or “might get the penalty.” It makes the definitive statement: death penalty. Looking at other comments in this thread, I don’t think I’m the only one who’s read it that way: I have been frustrated for quite some time now with how bad news reporting has become. I want the news to be truthful and accurate — not embellished, not sensationalized, not opinionated. That was the purpose of my posting in this thread.
Atwood's book was better. Only watched part of one episode on the first season, but knew it would be a waste of my time.
Your posts are notoriously consistently wrong. Ask Ms Atwood. Margaret Atwood on ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ and How History Repeats – Rolling Stone
Wow. You do seem to simply make up a lot of stuff that you try to pin on the left. The left was anti-vax! Biden was anti-vax ...
These lawmakers deliberately proposed a law that gives equal penalties for abortion as murder. The death penalty is legal penalty for murder. The thread title and article are accurate. They are just highlighting the most consequential aspect of it.
1) you apparently don’t know the definition of hyperbole 2)This was not a vote, this is how many co-sponsored the bill. In their state legislature they only need 60-some odd votes to pass it. 3)Maybe it doesn’t pass, but that doesn’t make the 22 total sponsors any less batshit crazy. 4)South Carolina is a shithole state run by the American Taliban. It’s not surprising they’d put forth such legislation. There, that’s your hyperbole. Or is it?
Probably somewhat off-topic if the Republican Party becomes a normal political party again Nancy Mace has the potential to become its first female presidential nominee. No matter how much she tries it's not going to be Nikki Haley.
The fact it has that much support in a legislative body is terrifying. This proposed legislation is a clear indication of how alarmingly dangerous a certain segment of our population is. I would not use this proposal to support a position i have taken as being a reasonable one, unless the thought is there are people who are more extreme.