More like WW1, but that was an adjustment. Remember they tried maneuver, combined-arms warfare at the outset. That went poorly. They adjusted to attrition warfare to play to their strengths. That went better for a bit until it didn’t. No idea what Russia plans to do next, but I assume it will be something different.
Just because the US invades low-tech countries, with absolute air superiority, doesn't make it a superpower. The US has no REAL modern combat experience. Certainly not in high-intensity warfare. That's why it uses Ukraine as a gun platform against Russia, so as not to embarrass itself.
If pootie Pie's goal was to make Russia safer, he is failing miserably. This debacle is setting them back decades.
I read the article, hoping for some insight into who the Pope was suggesting shared the blame for this war and why. The fact that there was no clarification or amplification means one could interpret the Pope’s words however they want. So here’s what the Pope meant: China shares the blame for encouraging Russian aggression and reinforcing its war machine in order to serve its own end of normalizing conquest. And India shares the blame for likewise reinforcing the Russian war machine to serve its own end of cheap fuel. And if the Pope doesn’t care for my fair interpretation of his words, then maybe he should realize that, as the spiritual leader for approximately as many people as live in China, he doesn’t get to just suggest or imply blame on matters as grave as these. He has to come out and condemn in clear, unambiguous language. And if he does not understand that, then maybe — to a different point he suggests in the article — it is time to step aside for someone a bit sharper.
Russian progress continues to be S-L-O-W in the great offensive. Regrettably there is little information I can find on the web or on podcasts about the (Ukrainian) tactical situation other than the usual propoganda. (OK before the sarcasm comes I'm sure Ukraine is not posting their plans prior to implementation for followers of the conflict) Neverthless, as an interested observer, I am curious how the arrival and implementation of NATO weapon systems will be utilized by the Ukranians. I am still stunned that Russia, with so many advantages, has managed to botch this to the point they are fighting a "Ypres" WW1 type trench warfare conflict. It is interesting why Prigozhin keeps making these rather hostile comments about the formal Russian military and is even saying Czar Putin has "cut him off". - Myself, I would believe NOTHING coming out of that camp. Could all be a feint to create overconfidence on the Ukranian side. It is also stunning how ground anti air defenses have apparantly negated Russias air power advantage. Shocking really. Bakhmut still holds. After all this time, it still holds. Although I doubt there is much left outside of rubble. The allies and the Germans learned some hard lessons about turning cities to ruble. The Allies - Monte Casino and Caen. The Germans - Stalingrad. Rubble piles make good defensive positions.
Human Verification More updates - it really surprises me that the Russian's continue to waste valuable missiles on civilian targets when they are doing so poorly at such great cost at the front lines. I really thought Bakhmut was going to fall - and it still might - but man what a mess. The Russian's are generally viewed as patient - but Putin is clearly acting impatiently here.
The Pope probably watches Tucker Carlson. The Vatican has been brainwashed by this point. It’s too late.