I played two sports in high school. The coaches taught all of us players many things I’ve carried with me through life. One of them was “no one likes a sore loser.” As hard as it was after a hard fought game we lost, we congratulated the other team. Thus, it absolutely flabbergasts me that so many not only like, but virtually worship, the sorest loser of all time….a man who would destroy our democratic traditions rather than concede defeat with grace and move on. Trump supporters ought to be ashamed of themselves.
The problem with your narrative and I'm in complete agreement by the way is that Trump supporters live in an alternative reality. They do not view their Dear Leader as a loser but rather as the victim of a system that denied him a rightful victory. Remember that Trump's narrative of massive voter fraud and illegal votes dates back to the 2016 campaign in which he first stated that if he lost it would only be as the result of voter fraud and even after he was elected he continued to perpetuate the myth that he also would have won the popular vote were it not for illegal votes. Also keep in mind that Trump's supporters get their "news" from alternative sources that have consistently reinforced his narrative of victimhood. Additionally they were further predisposed to believe Trump since they were able to observe with their own eyes that during the 2020 presidential campaign Trump was speaking at MAGA rallies with literally thousands of attendees at packed arenas while Biden was holding drive-in rallies with a couple of hundred attendees at the most.
I wonder what happened in her life that made her go so sideways mentally. She is not a stupid woman by any stretch, she certainly blows MTG and Boebert out of the water intellectually. I find her to be articulate and she presents very well. She obviously has an issue with her age and aging as every video you see of her where she controls the shooting is done with a very soft focus lens (they used to put a light coat of Vasoline on the lens to get that effect.) She contributed to Obama, so she wasn't always a radical right winger. She was a Fox "News" anchor in Phoenix for 22 years which indicates a lot of stability, but some of her post election comments call into question her mental health status. I hasten to add she has no business holding any office. With apologies to Sir Winston, she is "a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma."
Perhaps I was too harsh. Perhaps it is not a sign of shamefullness to ignore facts and descend into an alternate reality. Perhaps they simply can't help it, in which case they're simply mentally handicapped. My parents taught me not to mock such folks. So I apologize to the Trump supporters who think the election was stolen and don't feel ashamed.
a good loser is still a loser. I never lose therefore I am a winner. facts are irrelevant, I am a winner therefore I cannot lose. signed MAGA
I apologize for putting this into two threads, but don’t want “Meatball Ron” to fly under the radar. For his part, Trump has already been coming up with nicknames for DeSantis, one of his signature moves during his previous campaigns. Those have included the “embarrassingly weak” (Oliver’s words) “Ron DeSanctimonious” before moving on to “something with a lot more punch,” Oliver said. That nickname? “Meatball Ron.” “I hate to say it, but Trump’s still got it,” Oliver said. “It’s perfectly stupid, childish and hurtful in a way that’s genuinely difficult to articulate.
I don't know the status of it, but there were reports about the Florida legislature considering a change in the law to help DeSantis out on that. Florida leaders are considering a change to the 'resign to run' law to help Gov. Ron DeSantis
DeSantis was in Iowa last week, Trump yesterday. Donald Trump roasts Ron DeSantis in campaign return to Iowa
shockign right, he says jump, they ask how high, which direction, and if they are allowed to come down or not. our state gubmnt is an autocracy
Trump Super PAC accuses Meatball Ron of ethics violations, "shadow campaigning", and says he should be disqualified from running for president. Damn ... what a crybaby ... https://www.cnbc.com/2023/03/15/trump-super-pac-accuses-ron-desantis-of-ethics-violations.html