Trump overwhelmingly wins CPAC's Republican primary straw poll with DeSantis coming in a distant second
Just a guess and it's still very early, once the voting begins in the Republican primaries Ron DeSantis could very well end up like Rudy Giuliani, Scott Walker and Jeb Bush all of whom were favorites or near favorites for the party's nomination before the voting actually began. It was and still is Donald Trump's party.
On multiple levels. The authoritarian populism that Bannon represents is gross; Bannon's personal behavior is gross (he's a con artist and has a history of domestic violence with his ex-wife); and to top it off and maybe the most bizarre aspect of Kari Lake's comments, Bannon is a gross and disgusting human being based on physical appearance alone.
Kari lake - One of the scum that Trump endorses. Losers that don't understand what (I got my ass beat) means, that continue to try to have "agency" by spreading lies and tearing down legitimate voting. She is absolutely the worst of the worst, and will prove that if she is ever allowed the opportunity to serve her facist interests in Gov't.
Who wants him to be POTUS? The Russians and Chinese. Dems want this onslaught to happen as well. Make no mistake. Thousands of pro-Trump bots are attacking DeSantis, Haley
This is why the poll info is feckless. It’s all about influence and pointed at those who fall for the questions. These bots are generated from countries that want our instability or the scumbags who work for him. Trump is the instability they want. The Republican ticket will not have Trump on it. There is a huge portion of the party that despises him, regardless of those silly polls.
Trump will win the nomination as long as there are multiple people on the ballot. MAGA will not leave his side. The Anti-Trump wing of the party will split their votes across the multiple candidates. Also, name one candidate that is capable of countering a direct attack from Trump. They will all fold
Just when u think choices can't get worse, pubs offer up Trump or white Christian Nanationalism. Wonderfu
Trump just panders to them. DeS believes it is his destiny to lead them to lead the US to some christian based control of our laws.
I see. Don’t disagree. I think Desantis also obviously panders, but he’s not a ludicrous fraud like Trump on the religiosity.