As of now 300k Russians are mired in theatre in Ukraine. That doesn’t include the dead obviously, those who rotated out or deserted or were shot while deserting. Sad not sad!
Ukrainians almost out of ammo but have killed almost all of Wagner. Only three Wagner survive but have managed to encircle Bakhmut.
This thread is so weird. One side advocating for US ground and air forces in direct contact and the other side says 6000 Russians KIA so far and 60k in theatre. I honestly can’t tell if eveyone is just trolling each other
If the claim is 200K casualties, then that might be accurate or even understated. But casualties includes not only KIA but also combat injuries, missing, and captured.
Maybe you’re engaging in some hyperbole, but I don’t recall anyone in this thread urging the introduction of NATO ground troops. I count myself among those arguing in the strongest terms for increasing military pressure on Russia to end this thing Russia has inflicted on Ukraine. But even I have not suggested intervention on the ground. Mainly, it wouldn’t be necessary. With NATO air and maritime support, the Ukrainians could achieve military victory with their ground forces alone. Secondarily, every other form of pressure should be tried first before it comes down to intervention at sea and in the air.
If by “NATO air and maritime support” he means aircraft and ships, they would be quickly annihilated.
Whatever happened to the anti war left ? Whatever the case, we may be on the verge of WWIII. Or worse. But at least we got rid of Trump!
Even Russia’s de facto allies in India laughed uproariously when Russia tried to characterize its unprovoked, dastardly invasion of Ukraine as being “launched against them.” Crowd erupts in laughter at Russia's top diplomat after he claimed the Ukraine war 'was launched against us'
Wagner head Prigozhin appealing to Zelensky to allow his child and elderly soldiers to leave Bakhmut with promises that Wagner wouldn’t fire upon them.