I recall read at one point he lost an election in Texas because his northern accent was used against him. He then practiced the accent to further his political career in Texas. Maybe an urban legend.
Yeah, I remember reading about an early debate he had in his career, he didn't have any of the cornpone affectations he adopted later on, he was even pretty good at debating
More or less true. In 1978 Bush lost an election to Kent Hance who painted him as an outsider. I'm not really sure whether W actually sounded like he wasn't from Texas although after that election loss he worked on emphasizing a Texas accent to appear more genuine.
I did a Google search with DeSantis height being anywhere from 5'9'' to 6'1" although my guess is that the lower number is more accurate. Maybe Trump's new nickname for him will be "Little Meatball Ron DeSanctimonious". His boots to bear a resemblance to those worn by Marco Rubio.
So, do we award a candidate for pointing out the physical features of their opponent? Is that what we have become? This is funny? So, we’re back to the Carly Fiorina level of maturity?
The folks who laughed hysterically and happily repeated the nicknames "Crooked Hillary," "Little Marco," "Low Energy Jeb," Horseface Stormy," "Crazy Maxine" etc find these kinds of nicknames very funny, you should ask them why.
If it's Trump and DeSantis going after each other, such conduct should be encouraged. If nothing else, it will make the debates more interesting.
I believe this is the way we’ve always been. It seems people unconsciously gravitate toward the more dominant appearing candidate, and Trump understands this. JEB! was over 6’1” as was Trump, but Trump made him look like a bullied nerd in a locker room. With DeSantis’ shorter stature and nasally whiny sounding voice Trump will have a field day with him.
I think it happens more since all these guys typically want to pose as "toughguy" badasses as part of their public persona. Trying to make the other guy look like a chump is part of the game.
Quite the opposite IMO. I have been a supporter of DeSantis, but he has baggage from how he voted in the past, he is doing some things in FL that don't sit well with either party and he is so thin skinned he can't let Trump voters near him at a book signing. He is not a great debater and he has 100's of millions in his war chest thanks to the GOP. MAGA despises the GOP.
He's serious. Murdoch is pulling the strings, but not all his personalities falling in line. Murdoch is behind the DeSantis book.
I look at it different. Candidate 1 - Trump offers an overthrow of representative democracy, a totalitarian, police driven state, and policies dedicated to the reduction if not elimination of "poor" whites, all people of color, liberals, intellectuals, hollywood, immigrants, and LGBQT persons. Also supports re-implementation of post 1877 Jim Crow authority and of course setting the medical industry to right by reintroduction of bleeching and blood letting. Candidate 2 - DeSantis offers German (1933-1939) style social re-engineering by elimination of the department of education, the public execution of Mikey Mouse and Snow White, forced enrollment into Assembly of God or Church of Christ, approval of "public stoning" of forced adherents not showing proper enthusiasm and like Trump, concentration camp retirement living (uhhh I mean dying) for immigrants, democrats, and all people of color. What's not to like? Excellent, excellent choices! Sing it with me....."Proud to be an American".............