not sure what’s going on but you’ve posted 3 or 4 posts I agree including this one. Jeb is a complete buffoon in addition to being an Ahole. Change his name and base anything even loosely on merit and he’s darwined out long time ago
Interesting trumps age doesn’t deter anyone vs desantis. Especially as that’s the primary complaint about Biden. Trump will be 78 nov 2024.
Allegedly, signing thepledge is the price of admission to the GOP debatesand arguably those debates and trump’s name calling from thepodium contributed significantly to his being the nominee in2016. I can’t see him passing upthat opportunity. Much more likely in my view is him signing and then breaking his word tosupport the nominee should it not be him.
Practical people can be the worst, they actually want to do things. The Nazis were pretty practical, they didn't just sit around theorizing and debating lebensraum and such.
Just wondering, but what is it about DeSantis that appeals to a centric, extremist hater, like yourself?
It would be great IMO if he sez NO. I think them excluding him would hurt the party & their other candidates more than it hurts Trump. Randy wouldn't do it.
Of the many GOP candidates who are going to seek the nomination, I wonder what would happen if just one of them had the nerve to go all-out anti-Trump, anti-DeSantis, i.e. anti-authoritarian, and even use "Dump Trump" as a campaign slogan." Or something like "I Gag on MAGA" or "Make the Republican Party Great Again." A winner or loser? But I think I can answer my own question. I've seen the long list of those who might seek the nomination, and none of them have that kind or nerve or conviction. One of the worst has already declared: Nikki Haley, who talks about the need for a new generation of leadership while at the same time she would jump at the chance to be her lovable old boss's VP.
Jeb had always impressed me as being the brightest of the Bushes, a decidedly low bar, but I apparently was incorrect.
I think W was pretty smart, he just got knocked for his dumb sounding accent. Which, coincidentally, was fake to appeal to Texans.
Yeah, he did like to brag about reading like 60 books a year, while being president. I can relate to slacking off from your actual job to put more time into doing stuff that is more interesting.
Although she didn't mention Trump by name I think Nikki Haley was going after both Biden and the Donald on the age issue when she used language to the effect that it's time for a new generation in the speech announcing her candidacy. Nikki Haley calls for 'new generation' in 2024 campaign rally
Agree although I'm not sure whether or not it was fake. He did grow up in Texas although he also attended a New England prep school as well as two Ivy League Universities.