Was it though? Didn’t She win the popular vote? I may be wrong but I think Americans as a whole preferred the Democrat over the republican except for one time since Reagan.
I might agree that most pub primary voters don't care about them but I doubt that most pubs want that level of gubmnt interference in the corporate office or the doctor/patient room.
Look, I don't know who's going to be the GOP nominee. You could well be 100 percent correct with DeSantis/Haley. I was taking exception to your claim that Trump is just a Democratic talking point. He's leading every poll substantially.. Fox, which is a long way from parroting Democrats, trumpeted a poll that shows Trump with a healthy lead. It aired a segment from a restaurant in Ponte Vedra where Trump was the clear favorite among diners. It's obviously not a Democratic Party plot.
No offense, but to back up your claim that Fox is anti-Trump, you post a story that says Murdoch's NY Post has clearly broken from Trump, but that Fox is not going along. And the fact that Trump complained about Fox doesn't mean it's anti-Trump. It just means Trump wanted 100 percent fealty. IN other words, just because Trump whined about something doesn't mean he's correct.
I think they relish the idea of Democratic party support and Republicans who won’t vote for Trump. Anything Paul Begala discusses is usually a planned talking point. He is an old school, by the book Lib.
Who are “they?” and how do you talk about the 2024 election without talking a lot about the guy who’s leading all the polls?
I think “they” are the Dem establishment. They want Trump to be the nominee. 6 months is a long way and I don’t think they fear him at all.
And more people joining will only hurt DeSantis. If the Trumpsters haven't abandoned him by now, they never will....
I recently saw that a coworker from my college years is one of the top guys in DeSantis's office. I chuckled a bit. I have nothing against the guy personally, but he never struck me as a genius. Of course, we were both in our late teens, so who knows.
If you asked most Democrats what they want, they'd tell you that they want Trump and DeSantis to so utterly destroy each other such that a sane, reasonable person wins that primary. I don't like Larry Hogan, and he'd probably win the general if he made it there, but I'd like to not spend the next couple years worried about this becoming an authoritarian country. So yeah, give me a tougher-to-beat moderate than one of the wannabe dictators.
Throughout this thread, you sounds like a democrat from 2016 predicting when Trump was going to implode, and this or that will certainly be the end of his campaign ... Let me guess ... you've voted for him 3 or 4 times over the last 2 cycles, but now are blaming the democrats -- who have never voted for him -- for his apparent lead in the polls...
I’m a lifelong Republican actually. I was a Reagan youth and in the College Republicans at UF until the dumbass chapter President broke into the College Democrats office like it was Watergate all over again. I have moved more to the center, still a bit right, practical, and watch from the outside and am open to debate on both sides. I am a William F. Buckley fan, Christopher Hitchens buff, and love Bill Maher, you know, smart people from all sides. I hate talking heads in the media and never watch Fox or MSNBC. I am ashamed of what people have become politically on both sides. Even this thread, and its awful comments, prove how screwed up things have become. I only offered an opinion. Is that still allowed, or to coin a phrase, “let me guess”…opinions are not welcome?
I laugh every time someone says they are right of center because they are "practical" Like they low key are saying everyone else that doesn't think like them is not practical.
See also the complete misuse of the phrase "common sense" as a substitute for "I have no actual evidence, but I believe it."
But you didn’t answer if you voted for Trump… 1x or 2x? Don’t take it too harshly, you seem to be a relatively level headed poster, even if you are falling for the same “both sides” trope. Could some Democratic Party strategist be crunching numbers hoping for Trump to win the nomination? I guess. It probably is good strategically, for the dems. Hardly worth risking blowing up the country to play “strategery”. It also obviously isn’t what is driving Trumps lead. The bottom line is he has a cult following. His cult persisted even after 1/6, as evidence by McCarthy going down there within weeks of the insurrection to bend the knee and kiss the ring. Dems and “mainstream media” talking heads had absolutely nothing to do with that. Kevin McCarthy, so called “leader” made that choice. If the GOP leaders and sane members of the party wanted to be rid of him, they had their chance… but blew it because they were afraid of the cultist blowback. I think most dems certainly hope he just fades away, or that he volunteers to be on the first manned shuttle to Mars.
I don’t take it too harshly, my voting is nobody’s business, and I certainly don’t fall for anything. I can spot dumbass zealots on both sides from a mile away. It’s actually OK to be on the right or left and not be wrong.
left of Reagan??? Guy blew up gov in size & scope. there's a historical record. dude was huge gov, notwithstanding the sound bites. The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan | Sheldon L. Richman