Maybe it's just me but I cannot see Fox and the Murdoch empire actually abandoning Trump if he starts winning primaries and compiling delegates in the 2024 Republican primary presidential campaign. While Donald Trump may not be their first choice Murdoch and the Republican establishment will fall in line behind the once and future Dear Leader if he becomes the presumptive nominee as they did in 2016.
Gonna be fun to watch these 2 horrible people tear each other down for the next year and a half. Unfortunately, one or the other will most likely be the nominee.
This is likely true. Indeed, Murdoch already admitted colluding with Trump’s 2020 campaign by passing them the Biden Campaign’s pre-aired campaign ads. So he is demonstrably desperate to achieve a Pub victory.
10%? Just a couple of percent going to Trump could sway it. Trump would draw almost exclusively from Desantis.
These are all features not bugs for most republicans. The only thing that gives some republicans pause about Trump are the inappropriate behaviors and his repeated losing. All the things you mentioned most republicans like.
If DeSantis is the nominee, Trump doesn't have to run as an independent to ruin DeSantis's chances. You gotta figure that if Trump doesn't win the nomination he will be complaining nonstop about it, likely claiming it was stolen from him. He's not going to turn around and support DeSantis for president.
I would be surprised if Trump and / or DeSantis get too bloodied because Trump won’t sign the loyalty pledge and doesn’t need the debates at all. Why would Trump sign the Ronna’s RNC loyalty pledge? Isn’t the loyalty pledge really a debate for the VP sweepstakes?
If polling was reliable, Hilary would have been POTUS. When Paul Begala goes on Maher and keeps mentioning Trump as the nominee, that’s when you know the talking points have been passed out throughout the party regardless of polling.
People also said polling wasnt reliable in early 2016 when Trump polled at the top of the GOP primary lol
Just like with news media in general, for right wingers polls are only reliable if they tell them what they want to hear.
I tend to agree. While Trump could do the most damage as a third-party/independent candidate even if he doesn't run he could damage DeSantis who would presumably be the party's nominee by suppressing the votes of his own supporters.