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How China's Military Views the United States

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by chemgator, Jun 18, 2020.

  1. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
    Global firepower is irrelevant. All that matters is the power you can project in a given theatre. It’s why the US would suffer terrible losses in Ukraine and in the Taiwan Straits.
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  2. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
  3. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
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  4. chemgator

    chemgator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Russia's War in Ukraine has woken up China's neighbors to the possibility that they may have to defend themselves from China's aggression. Several have increased defense spending dramatically, and a few have turned to the U.S. for help.

    Ukraine war, 1 year on: China's neighbours intensify regional arms race

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  5. oragator1

    oragator1 Hurricane Hunter Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    While I do believe this is happening more broadly (mainly because Vietnam is cheaper now and also less politically risky), Foxconn never seems to follow through with their new deals. Ask Wisconsin.
  6. oragator1

    oragator1 Hurricane Hunter Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    2 points…
    First, it wouldn’t just be us protecting Taiwan, so a one to one comparison probably isn’t fair. The collation we would build could probably match their numbers.
    But second, and the more important point is that just brute manpower doesn’t win wars anymore. Technology largely does. And on that front we are clearly ahead of the rest of the world overall.
    And that doesn’t even take into account things like corruption, nepotism, and the fact that China hasn’t really fought in a true war since Korea probably, no one has any clue whether they have the command structure (which has killed Russia) and properly trained troops to fight one. Which is exactly why they haven’t tried yet.
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  7. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
    America’s plan to remove Putin and weaken Russia, so as to focus on the coming war against China off to a rocky start ...

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  8. gatorplank

    gatorplank GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 25, 2011
    China will attack the American homeland if “a major war” erupts over Taiwan or elsewhere in the Indo-Pacific, the U.S. Army’s top civilian expects.

    “If we got into a major war with China, the United States homeland would be at risk as well with both kinetic attacks and non-kinetic attacks — whether it's cyberattacks on the power grid or on pipelines,” Army Secretary Christine Wormuth said Monday at the American Enterprise Institute. “They are going to go after the will of the United States public. They're going to try to erode support for a conflict.”

    China's People’s Liberation Army forces are not yet prepared to launch an invasion of Taiwan, according to U.S. intelligence and military officials. Yet the “historical trajectory” of their recent military modernization campaign requires U.S. forces to speed up their preparations to deter such an attack, according to the region’s top Army officer.

    “The payload of exercises in pathways is really at its zenith here in ’23,” said Lt. Gen. Charles Flynn, commander of U.S. Army Pacific, referring to an array of U.S. military exercises in the Indo-Pacific. “This is an important year to get in position [and] create enduring advantage ... so we're ready to do that and our forces are ready today to be able to respond if need be in the event that something goes in the direction we don't want it to go.”

    China will target the US homeland in war over Taiwan, Army leader predicts | Washington Examiner
  9. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
    America playing with Fire.
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  10. gatorplank

    gatorplank GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 25, 2011
    When the Department of Defense released its annual report on Chinese military strength in early November, one claim generated headlines around the world. By 2030, it suggested, China would probably have 1,000 nuclear warheads — three times more than at present and enough to pose a substantial threat to the United States. As a Washington Post headline put it, typically enough: “China accelerates nuclear weapons expansion, seeks 1,000 warheads or more, Pentagon says.”

    The media, however, largely ignored a far more significant claim in that same report: that China would be ready to conduct “intelligentized” warfare by 2027, enabling the Chinese to effectively resist any U.S. military response should it decide to invade the island of Taiwan, which they view as a renegade province. To the newsmakers of this moment, that might have seemed like far less of a headline-grabber than those future warheads, but the implications couldn’t be more consequential. Let me, then, offer you a basic translation of that finding: as the Pentagon sees things, be prepared for World War III to break out any time after January 1, 2027.

    To appreciate just how terrifying that calculation is, four key questions have to be answered. What does the Pentagon mean by “intelligentized” warfare? Why would it be so significant if China achieved it? Why do U.S. military officials assume that a war over Taiwan could erupt the moment China masters such warfare? And why would such a war over Taiwan almost certainly turn into World War III, with every likelihood of going nuclear?

    First, let’s consider “intelligentized” warfare. Pentagon officials routinely assert that China’s military, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), already outmatches the U.S. in sheer numbers — more troops, more tanks, more planes, and especially more ships. Certainly, numbers do matter, but in the sort of high-paced “multi-domain” warfare American strategists envision for the future, “information dominance” — in the form of superior intelligence, communications, and battlefield coordination — is expected to matter more. Only when the PLA is “intelligentized” in this fashion, so the thinking goes, will it be able to engage U.S. forces with any confidence of success.

    The Pentagon's new warning means World War III may arrive sooner than you think - Alternet.org
  11. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
    Whatever happened to the anti-war left ?

    Why has the media become a cheerleader for the military industrial complex ?
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  12. chemgator

    chemgator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Japan thought the same thing at the outbreak of WWII. They were wrong. As soon as those bombs started falling on Pearl Harbor, Americans started running to enlist in the military. A 12-year-old boy from Texas was excited enough to sign up with the Navy, and he served on the battleship South Dakota. Americans do not like being attacked.

    Americans would wait and see what happened if China disrupted electricity, with some increase in enlistment. But if China attacks U.S. assets such as an aircraft carrier or a base like Guam, all bets are off. Disrupt internet service, and the millennials will go nuts.
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  13. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
    On the other hand, self-fulfilling prophecy is a thing.
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  14. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
    In any case, our military is ready!

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  15. gatorplank

    gatorplank GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 25, 2011
    That was a different generation than this one. A lot has changed since that generation. The values of that generation are different than our values. That generation believed America was good. Many of our youth do not. Courage, strength, masculinity, and self-sacrifice were valued. I am not convinced those things are valued in this generation. I don't think you can point to a couple of generations ago and assume anything about how this generation will react.

    I think all one needs to do is go back to 9-11, and remember how the left, the media, etc reacted to that. They pointed the finger inward and they blamed us. I don't see millennials or Gen Z having this great desire to go fight a war with China. The finger will be pointed inward again by the left. They'll blame us. They'll blame our imperialism. They'll blame it on the warhawking conservatives. They'll blame it on whiteness. They'll blame the war on capitalism. They'll say the war only benefits the military industrial complex. Complacency settles in, and we say, "Why should we lay down our lives and die for them? Let Taiwan defend themselves." The mainstream media probably beats the anti-war drum and eventually complacency wins out we put our tails between our legs and we go home. That is how I see it playing out. We don't have the psychological will to win a World War any longer.
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  16. slayerxing

    slayerxing GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 14, 2007
    I’m sorry, what war did the boomers win? Or gen x for that matter although I don’t see them thumping their chests so much about how great they are.

    millennials and gen z would fight if they had too. Probably in big numbers if the us was attacked directly. But we’d lose because boomers are in charge. The most entitled self-serving generation of all time.

    and ps- wake up and look around. Of the two political parties the republicans are the ones acting like isolationists. Just look at the war in Ukraine. Much higher support from THE LEFT.
  17. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
    There are no parties that are isolationists. Democrats want to fight Russia and the Republicans want to stop fighting Russia so they can fight China.
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  18. okeechobee

    okeechobee GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 11, 2022
    America was subscribed to isolationism before both world wars.
  19. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
    America has been staunchly involvist for decades.
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  20. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022