Would that have been listening to Putin about denazifying UKraine, listening to Putin about deSatanizing Ukraine or listening to Putin complaining about the treatment of the Russian speaking insurrectionists he was arming and training were getting in Ukraine? At some point you will get a dial tone and realize Putin was invading Ukraine no matter what unless Ukraine surrendered all of its territory to Russia. LOL, that's funny right there. Putin's failure to take Kyiv was not the result of a decision to try diplomatic avenues, it was because he couldn't...his military failed him and became somewhat of the laughingstock of the world (other than for its savage brutality.)
Our leader is a doddering glazed-over half mind gone octogenarian who sniffs child hair and tails to children about rubbing down his leg hair. But Putin’s a creepy old man.
That’s a good question. I haven’t found out to ignore users yet I just don’t respond to the worst of trolls, disingenuous posters or those who don’t know what they’re talking about (without naming names). I will look into it
Zero basis for the wild casualty figures derived from Ukrainian sources for Russian losses. Recall that the BBC working with the dissident Russian group Meduza can only confirm 14,000 Russian dead and that includes allies. The kill ratio is profoundly skewed to the Russians due to their pronounced firepower advantage. I’d guess 10:1
I just tried it for a second on a mod post and it let me. So interesting…block the mods and you can get away with anything lol.
Neville Chamberlain could have easily told his peers at the time (1938): "It must be so hard to be so gullible as to believe that Germany is going to roll into Poland and France." Yet it happened. If the rapacious dictator thinks the timing is right, and his armies are stronger than the opponent, and he has done enough to weaken the alliance that would oppose him, then he will invade. NATO nations have been underfunding their own defense for decades, counting on the U.S. to defend them. Putin probably would not try to invade the nuclear powers, because the risk of seeing Moscow nuked would be too high, but any of the other nations would be at risk. Putin was undoubtedly thrilled when his dimwitted stooge, Donald Duck Trump, was elected president and worked to weaken NATO. He may have been counting on Trump to win a second term before putting his invasion plans into motion. It may be decades before we know the complete truth about why Putin invaded Ukraine, but the words coming out of his mouth in the last year are the least likely to be anywhere near the truth. Those words are for the gullible among us to take at face value. Russians that do not take Putin's words at face value (because they know he is lying) have either gone to prison, or met with an untimely demise at the hands of a balcony or window. He can't silence the rest of the world. He can only hope that enough gullible Americans believe his lies to stop the weapons flow to Ukraine.
At the height of its power, Nazi Germany didn’t have the wherewithal to cross the English Channel. But Americans were in grave danger of speaking German tomorrow.
You've got to love a post that starts by criticizing "wild casualty figures" and finishes by completely making up casualty figures.