Promises, promises. The Danes and the Dutch take back their tanks. Zelenskyy says "tanks fer nuttin". Denmark and the Netherlands roll back decision on transfer of Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine, reports Welt If you've seen one case of Danish-Dutch double dealing, you've seen them all. Or is that Danish Double-Dutch Dealing? Maybe they could trade tanks with each other and feel good about it.
^ This may be caused by Danish parents leaving their infant children out in the cold. When they grow up, they leave other countries out in the cold after promising to give them tanks. The Dutch are just naturally screwed up. A TikToker reignited a conversation about Nordic parents leaving babies outside to sleep in the cold, a common practice that's shocked some viewers
Russia is losing 20 soldiers per meter of captured territory. Lucky for them they aren't measuring this war in English units. Russia loses 2,000 soldiers for every 100 meters of captured territory in Ukraine
South Africa risks alienating the West by having naval exercises with Russia and China. The president of South Africa is apparently completely tone deaf. South Africa's naval exercise with Russia, China raises Western alarm
I’ll have you know a better part of the Baltic Fleet once, just over 100 years ago, made it all the way around Africa, east to Singapore, then as far north as the Straits of Tsushima before sinking.
should these long columns of russian troops staging in Belarus north of Kyiv be viable targets? talk about a target rich environment... Russian convoy north of Kyiv
Should they? Yes. Would they risk bringing Belarus more directly into the war by attacking into their territory? Probably not.
Hello uftaipan - I don't know, the rhetoric is heating up. (IMO) The war (I am calling it a war now), screw Putin and his propogandish "Police Action" verbiage. NATO is ramping up and Russia already has. Personally I think the big offensive is already under way based on reports at the front. Off topic and a side note, I find it puzzeling that so many GC participants seem uninterested (In this forum at least) in what may be the penultimate conflict between East and West. In what may be the final act of a play that has smoldered between differing ideologies since May 7th 1945. In a conflict that could unalterably affect the course of not only Western Civilization but World Civilization. Perhaps ignorance is best, the reality is pretty F'in hard to contemplate.
Agreed, but that will never, ever happen. No matter how many steps the government of SA takes away from what Mandela established with compromise and good sense, the narrative of SA is more important to the people of this country than the uglier reality. Cutting off the aid, even for reasons as good as we have, would be an admission of defeat.
I also understand that S Africa posesses much mineral wealth that is crucial to the US civilian and military economies. But it is incredibly distressing that Israel, S Africa and others are stepping away from the plate. I hope Americans fully understand that this particular threat, more than any other, represents why NATO was created and what it's mandate is all about.
btw - thank you for your steady contribution to this board on this subject. I consider your imput very valuable and educational. I really appreciate your taking the time.
china will, but they want to build it with their workers and then own it when they are done after you default on the loans. especially ports, airports, and rail systems
Israel just reopened their embassy in Ukraine and are turning on Russia as Russia turns to Iran. past due, not enough, but hopeful signs