Ok. Then I assume you agree with me that God doesn’t exist, in spite of your footer. There is no evidence and it isn’t measurable. You are being intentionally dense. You won’t answer my question. It is possible for something to be plausible but not easily measurable.
Opinion | Nikki Haley Threw It All Away As a former Republican political operative who worked in South Carolina presidential primaries, I look at Ms. Haley now, as she prepares to launch her own presidential campaign, with sadness tinged with regret for what could have been. But I’m not a bit surprised. Her rise and fall only highlights what many of us already knew: Mr. Trump didn’t change the Republican Party; he revealed it. Ms. Haley, for all her talents, embodies the moral failure of the party in its drive to win at any cost, a drive so ruthless and insistent that it has transformed the G.O.P. into an autocratic movement. It’s not that she has changed positions to suit the political moment or even that she has abandoned beliefs she once claimed to be deeply held. It’s that the 2023 version of Ms. Haley is actively working against the core values that the 2016 Ms. Haley would have held to be the very foundation of her public life.
At this very minute Trump is likely considering a nickname for her. As soon as he announces the nickname we will know that the Donald considers her a serious contender for the Republican nomination.
After googling John Hagee, what's interesting to me is that any politicians distanced themselves from him for perceived anti-Semitic remarks when he's an outspoken Zionist. While a tone-deaf comment, I have a hard time reconciling Hagee's comment being intended as anti-Semitic given that his many other actions seem to indicate he includes Jewish people in the "us" column for his "us vs. them" religious mindset. No way am I endorsing the guy; I wouldn't support a politician affiliated with him, either, but not because of that comment being deliberately hateful of Jews.
He comes from the group that believes the Jews must occupy all ancient Israel before Jesus returns and gives them one more chance to covert before he kills them all. Here is a part of it, where it is implied. Not endorsing the source - just googled. There's a lot of variation because it depends on "interpreting" prophecy What is dispensational premillennialism / premillennial dispensationalism? | GotQuestions.org Basically, the fundamental difference between historic premillennialism and dispensational premillennialism consists in the latter’s insistence on maintaining a distinction between the nation of Israel and the Church. According to dispensationalists, the millennium will be a period of history in which God reverts back to fulfilling His Old Testament promises made to ethnic Israel, after this modern “Church Age” in which we live today is concluded. As such, the millennium will be a state of Jewish dominion over all the world, along with a newly restored Jewish temple and priesthood. The Christians who reign with Christ will all have been given eternal, glorified bodies, and will reign spiritually, while the Jews will own the world physically, and will live, marry, and die (although evincing incredible longevity), just as people have throughout the history of the world. It is only after this thousand-year period, in which God fulfills His promises to ethnic Israel, that Christ will put down a final rebellion and usher in the eternal state with its New Heaven and New Earth (Revelation 21-22).
That's the puzzle piece I was missing. Now it makes sense. He views Jews more as a useful and necessary means to an end rather than as religious allies or partners.
Wasn’t this the same guy who said Hurricane Katrina was God’s punishment for gays or some such nonsense?
Hagge said it as did a number of other televangelists. Televangelist says Hurricane Katrina was God punishing gay people Fundamentalists View Hurricane Katrina as God's Punishment
There is such a group. Not sure how wide it is, but it's not insignificant. And there is a lot of variability about beliefs and tactics within the group.
If the world let something that asinine happen and then jesus didn't come back and smite the non-converted, could we get rid of all this nonsense then or would they just move the goalposts?
I will just say this. A lot of people are going to be surprised when they get to the point of further understanding. Maybe it will be me. Maybe their interpretation of the Divine is exactly correct, and I will be the one that didn't see the light. But they may be very surprised.
Oh, and then this is a question. Is there a certified survey of what land is included in "ancient Israel"? How will the Israelis know where to stop occupying? And then, what is their motivation to occupy said ancient land, knowing that by doing so they usher in their own destruction (unless they convert obviously).
You really can't know for sure, but there was a large % of voters that did not know who they would vote for leading up to the election. What we DO know is that Russia was behind the bogus posts that trumpies were more than willing to share over and over on Facebook. At the least, Russia launched a large influence campaign in trump's favor, which very well could have made those undecided voters to vote for trump. I can't be proven, because we didn't do a nationwide survey, but common sense says it very well could have happened.
The post-election statistics don’t bear out the theory that the Russian interference impacted the election. What I recall is that the Republican vote by district went almost exactly as the vote went in 2012. However, for whatever reason —either the voters didn’t like Hilary or didn’t see the need to brave the weather because Hilary was a virtual slam dunk winner (according to the paper prognosticators) — the democrats had a much smaller turnout, particularly in the swing states. So while the Pubs had basically the same numbers turning out for Trump as they did before, Hilary has a poor turnout if traditional Dems. in other words, there didn’t appear to be any significant movement from one party vote to the other, there just seemed to be more disinterest or apathy in traditional Dems.