Do you people realize that all this name-calling isn’t helping the Ukrainians one bit ? Ukraine is dying.
Not at all. I don't agree with that poster that Russia looks strong (I think they've put on a clown show so far in fact) or that they're fighting the good fight. I'm simply stating that currently Russia is enforcing it's will upon it's neighbor, albeit slowly and dysfunctionally. Russia might have been exposed as a mostly paper tiger but it's sheer numbers mean that unless something significant happens they'll probably just grind this out the way of the USSR. It's a strategy that works if you simply don't give two shits about the lives you're throwing at the front line. Even if they achieve all their goals in Ukraine they will be weakened substantially enough that NATO is really the winner here. Plus Russia was able to do what we, the defacto leader of NATO, couldn't for decades - get NATO to spend money on defense. We're playing the long game too.
LOL, Russia hasn’t reversed the manpower calculus, until just the last few weeks, due to partial mobilization and killing or wounding over half of Ukrainian forces with its paper tiger army.
If they weren't a paper tiger they would have successfully taken the Kyiv airport on day one, or at least not had an initial "invasion" that looks to be planned by some random people off the streets. The only reason they still have a military is because they can threaten to use nuclear weapons should any other actual top military decide to intervene. What's the last leader that was still actively leading from their nations capital a year after the US decided to get rid of them? That clown level stuff.
The “three day myth” was propounded by Gen. “White Rage” Milley. Limited force commitment early, coupled with hopes of negotiation (scuttled by the West) gave rise to the lazy impression of Russian incompetence. Russia then played whack-a-mole until it could amass enough force to push the once massive now dwindling Ukrainian war machine back on its heels. The mighty US spent twenty years in Afghanistan and got run out by goat herders.
Dropping this in if only because the UK is possibly the most bellicose of the Western nations. Spends more on defense than Russia and would only last five days in the war ... Subscribe to read | Financial Times
After you’ve committed the long list of mass atrocities that Russia has over the past year, what difference does this make? They might as well use every means short of nuclear, chemical, biological, or radiological weapons. The world is going to do nothing more than shake its fist at this.
All the West can do is empty it’s reserves and shake its fist, in impotent rage, as its power and influence slips away.
It is important to listen to all sides of any dispute. History is also important to understand as well as why alliances happen. We are currently involved in Ukraine and now war drums are beating with china. Below is a 2hr 30min video that captures the history of China and Russian relations and how they came about. For the history buffs and those who are curious this video is well worth the the time. IN-DEPTH: Chinese-Russian History with Mark Sleboda & Carl Zha Historian and podcaster Carl Zha and international relations and security expert Mark Sleboda join the New Atlas again, this time to talk about Russian-Chinese history and whether or not there is any historical basis for the West’s current desire to see a new “Sino-Soviet” split.
The balance of power is shifting rapidly. There are signs that the Pentagon is taking note. But unfortunately the neocons seem to have Biden’s ear ... Before We End Up In Wars With Russia And China Simultaneously, Let's Review The Nuclear Balance Of Power... | ZeroHedge
Could well be said of too many Americans ... 'It must be admitted that the English people are at present doing their utmost to justify the low estimate in which their rulers hold them; a people who for centuries have never heard a shot fired in anger upon their shores, yet who encourage their government in its campaign of robbery and murder against an unoffending nation; a people, who, secure in their own homes, permit their rulers to carry devastation and death into the homes of another people, assuredly deserve little respect no matter how loudly they may boast of their liberty-loving spirit.' James Connolly 'The South African War I' (1899)
How much of that spending difference accounts for the fact that soldiers in England get paid more than $500/month and a pallet of frozen fish if they die? Also I'm aware that Russia has briefly increased pay for those mobilized, but that's not the norm nor does it apply if they aren't actively serving as human targets.
Wow. You are such a humanitarian. Saving Ukrainian lives so they can live as slaves. Do you have any slaves of your own at your house? If only people around the world would readily agree to become slaves, we could easily stop warfare globally. We could have "Peace in our time."
Russia is cutting its oil production by 500k bbl/day, in the desperate hope of forcing the global price of oil to increase. The global economy is sliding into recession, so less oil is needed. The net effect is that Russia will be losing out on oil revenues, and not making any more money. Time to sell off some more Chinese currency! Russia announces cut to oil output over Western price caps
For those of you comparing the Russian invasion of Ukraine to the U.S. invasion of Iraq, here is the score: Shock and Awe: 1 Dither and Wither: 0
Such ignorance. Of course they were free before Russia invaded. They were free to grow crops, go shopping, make steel products, vote for their leaders, and many other things before Russia invaded. They are fighting (and yes, some of them are dying) for their freedom and their prosperity. There is no question that Russia will take both away if they win this war. I find your whiny propaganda to be melodramatic. You should work on that, maybe try to incorporate some reality into your posts.