There is zero evidence of drag queens recruiting 5 year olds. But then again, there is zero evidence of CRT being taught to 5 year olds, so...
Sigh. I heard libbies were supposed to be the smart ones. “I think we might have some drag queens in training on our hands,” says Little Miss Hot Mess at the conclusion of the song. A PBS tag says the episode is intended for kids aged 3-8. PBS station defends drag queen skit for kids: 'performance art that can inspire creative thinking'
Maybe step out of your libbie bubble sometime and maybe take a couple pills for humility. That would be great.
Better work on that spin. No evidence huh? I didn’t expect you admit defeat. Libbies always know best.
She will probably finish 3rd in her own state and then drop out, endorse someone, run the Fox/AM radio circuit, sign a book deal, and get some speaking engagements.
Here, in case you're interested in the source of the information for those posts, try reading RUSSIAN ACTIVE MEASURES CAMPAIGNS AND INTERFERENCE IN THE 2016 U.S. ELECTION issued by the Select Committee on Intelligence, United States Senate, which was chaired by Richard Burr, a Republican from North Carolina. Publications | Intelligence Committee
Can you provide a quote from your link that includes a specific quantification of the number of votes changed by this foreign influence? Thanks.
So it doesn’t have any definitive, substantive information as to how many, if any, voters were impacted by any disinformation posted on social media by any entity, foreign or domestic including liberal operatives (eg the MSM), prior to the 2016 election. If it did, I’m confident you would have quote it.
How would you study this? Do you have access to another universe in which the foreign influence didn't happen to compare it to? Should we also assume that all advertising is fundamentally useless for the same reason?
Thank you for this. We know the Russians actively interfered with the 2016 election. That’s not factually debatable any more. While the question of whether they influenced the election is sure to be debated forever, the fact of interference is undeniable from objective evidence. The Trumpians, as we know, claim that the investigation showed no interference. That is wrong. The investigations concluded there was insufficient evidence that Trump Campaign caused the interference. Another myth the Trumpians cling to is that Trump proved he was innocent because the Republicans did not vote to impeach him in the Senate. The problem with their revisionism is that Trump was NEVER impeached for the 2016 Russian election interference. He was impeached because of his Ukrainian dealings where he tried to extort a foreign leader to give negative material on Biden.
Bluke, you already posted this on the drag queen thread. I don't see that as recruiting. As I responded to your other post: If a kid goes to a rodeo and they say "I see we have some future cowboys in the stands" does that mean that kid will grow up to be a cowboy, or even wants to at that age? Now if they had classes on how to be a drag queen for 3-8 year olds, you might have something there.
I'm not agreeing that she is posturing herself to be VP, but she would take it in a NY second. DeSantis might offer it, but Trump will have a grudge for her running against him in the first place. Sad that we even think that is what she is doing and not taking a woman seriously, that she could win the presidency.
I’ve seen this idiotic argument trotted out on this board a couple of times and is among the dumbest assertions I can recall.